Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

Round Lake to Little Sag; Lake Trout Fishing on Little Sag; Day trip to Howard Lake
by IHearTheRain

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 09/18/2014
Entry & Exit Point: Missing Link Lake (EP 51)
Number of Days: 5
Group Size: 4
Day 3 of 5
Saturday, September 20, 2014 saw improved weather with temperatures a good 15 degrees warmer. We split boats and went on separate journeys to find fish and game. Our goal was to canoe Rattle Lake, Gabimichigami Lake and on to fish Howard, a dead-end lake that likely sees little pressure. As pretty as the entrance was to the portage, a beaver dam flooded the middle section such that we had to canoe half of the portage to Howard. The weather cleared and a stiff wind rose, so we ducked into the lee and ate lunch at campsite 481 on the south side. After lunch we fished a couple of trolling runs on Howard and then transited back to camp via Peter Lake, Virgin Lake, and across Little Saganaga Lake. The view from the last portage was spectacular.