Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

Solo Trip to Raven Lake (Mugwump PMA 8) 2018
by Ausable

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 06/20/2018
Entry & Exit Point: Snowbank Lake (EP 27)
Number of Days: 10
Group Size: 1
Part 7 of 7


I got up early the next morning, packed up the car, and had a large pancake breakfast in the lodge dining room before starting the 11-hour drive home. This time a Boy Scout group was also present for breakfast. It is always nice to have a chance to talk with Charlene during breakfast or dinner. I then went down to the office to buy a T-shirt and chatted again with Dave and Blayne. I just wanted to let them know how much I appreciated everything they did to make my trip a success. I decided to visit Burntside Lodge on my way out of town so that I could evaluate it for potential vacations with my wife. It also seemed like a nice place to eat dinner.

While I did not go as far or as fast as I had hoped, I did achieve several good goals during this trip. I learned to feel comfortable paddling a solo canoe and spending extended time alone, and I enjoyed doing both. I appreciated being able to set and change my own schedule, taking time to relax and photograph whenever I chose to do either. I caught fish that were on my bucket list and had fun doing it. On most other canoe trips, I am the stern guy who maneuvers the boat so that others can fish. I was able to see some new-to-me wild, unspoiled country in a way that replenished my soul while challenging my abilities. Finally, I was able to visit a beautiful lake in a Primitive Management Area that reminded me of travels in less-managed parks like Ontario’s Woodland Caribou or Quetico Provincial Parks.