Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

Mrs. Goby's first BWCA trip
by Goby

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 09/04/2015
Entry Point: Lake One (EP 30)
Exit Point: Moose Lake to Prairie Portage (EP G)  
Number of Days: 9
Group Size: 2
Day 5 of 9
September 8, 2015 Day 5: I woke up early, really early and went fishing. Big shocker, no bites, despite seeing a few fish hit the surface and me casting with the fly rod. (an item that will no longer be making trips, as it is so rarely used). After walking down a fair stretch of shoreline with no results, I headed back to camp and started the water for coffee. I let Laura sleep as long as she liked today, but soon the smell of coffee brought her out to join me for breakfast. A slight mist hung over the water and we took some pictures that looked neat. I made pancakes and bacon again for breakfast, with the last of the bacon being used up on this meal. Laura asked if we should fish first thing and I said, no sleep in the morning babe, you’ve earned it, we can fish later. Big mistake. We finished breakfast about the time the wind started to blow. By the time we got the canoe rigged and loaded, maybe 15 minutes later, the wind started to really blow. We trolled down the lake and I planned on jigging any bait balls I saw on the depth finder but the wind soon had other plans. We had to fight hard to turn the canoe and finally did as we blew closer and closer to a rocky shoreline. We fought our way back to camp and called it quits. Laura did catch something though. A perch about the size of her lure must have gotten snagged as she reeled up. I laughed and took the poor fish off and let it go. Once back in camp Laura laid in the hammock and I was frustrated so I started working on fixing my broken fishing rod. While setting up camp on Insula, we bent a tent stake (first one bent in as long as I can remember!) so I broke it where it had bent and used the two pieces as a splint for the rod. I then took some superglue I brought along in case a rod tip broke and glued the rod to the stake, and then duct taped the whole assembly. After letting dry for several hours I made a few casts and it seemed to be working well, until on one cast the rod broke in two again. I thought maybe the tape let go or something, but upon closer inspection I found that there was another break, several inches up the rod from the previous fracture. I figured it must have happened on the original break and a few casts let it separate completely. So I went back and repaired it again and let it rest. I also decided to tie an anchor bag out of parachute chord. As I worked on these projects I snacked on trail mix and the venison slim jims. Once that was complete, Laura helped me clean up camp and get ready for dinner. Yet another night of no fish, which was starting to concern me since I only brought 5 back up meals for the 8 nights we’d be there and after tonight we’d only have one left! Tonight’s meal was a store bough dehydrated meal of Jamaican jerked chicken and black beans with rice. It tasted good and we made apple crisp for dessert which was a little more involved then I had hoped, but tasted pretty good. Later that night, I was in for a rude awakening. It felt like my guts were on fire and I quickly rushed out of the tent to get to the kamikaze box before I needed to change my pants. Something in my stomach was VERY not right. After a safe trip I returned to sleep but fought nausea the whole night.