Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

30 days in Quetico
by Johnh

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 05/31/2018
Entry Point: Quetico
Exit Point: Quetico  
Number of Days: 30
Group Size: 1
Trip Introduction:
I spent 30 days paddling Quetico chasing fish and good photos and video. The first 17 days were solo plus my dog and the last 13 days were tandem plus my dog. I came out for one night to resupply in Atikokan and pick up my friend in Fort Frances. I did the same trip last year as a full solo plus dog and have found that one night out for resupply, gear repair and a mental reset is the way to go. Also, 16 nights of food for my dog and me is about 50 pounds which puts my total gear weight without boat at about 110 pounds which I have decided is enough. I carried 11 pounds of camera gear including a full frame DSLR, a waterproof point and shoot with a fisheye lens, a GoPro, a light weight tripod and a lot of batteries. I love to fish but it gets to the point where you have caught enough fish and the challenge of getting good photos and videos becomes a nice secondary project and over the course of a month it is good to have a project. I don't travel much for such a long trip. Both halves of the trip I went in at Stanton, did a loop through Jean and came out at Nym. I am happy staying in one camp for a few days if there are good fishing lakes to which I can day trip. The video is my report and it is meant to be a enjoyable six minutes but it is pretty fish heavy in the second half so be warned if you are not into fishing. The video is all fly fishing although I consider it all just fishing and don't feel there is a need to distinguish. We did plenty of trolling and jigging but it did not make it into the video. We had a great time and nothing unusual happened that does not happen on everyone else's trip which I guess is good be cause we all came back safe and healthy.
The link to the video is below along with a couple of photos I did not use in the video. Other message board pages have a feature for including hot links but I don't see that here so I guess you have to copy and paste it to your browser. If you know how to get a hot link in the trip report let me know. Thanks.