Walleye Smackdown
by BWfishingfanatic12
Trip Type:
Paddling Canoe
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Trip Introduction:
My brother and I took a trip in the BWCA for a week focused on fishing. The trip was May 25-June 1st.
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My brother and I took our first trip in May this year. We typically go in June and decided to try one earlier this year. We did excellent on the Walleyes and caught some nice pike as well. Managed a couple of Lake Trout and Smallmouth bass as well but it was too early for the Smallies. This was the best trip I have ever had for Walleyes and it is safe to say we will be going in May again soon. For this trip I caught the 5 biggest Walleyes of my life which made it an amazing trip. Weather was a little cool and rainy the first couple of days but then got really nice for the rest of the trip. Below I will post my fishing highlight video from our trip.