Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

First Solo
by Irishstone

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 07/10/2006
Entry & Exit Point: East Bearskin Lake (EP 64)
Number of Days: 5
Group Size: 1
Day 5 of 5
Friday, July 14, 2006

Something causes me to wake up just as the day is starting to brighten. I look out the tent and see that the sky is a blood orange color and there are dark clouds boiling to the west. This instantly makes up my mind that I should try to get out before the bad weather hits. I pack my Duluth and backpack and get things into the Canoe. Just as I do I hear loud thunder off to the West. Damn, now that I have the tent down I decide to break for the far end of the lake. I can always pull the tarp there and hold out the storm. By the time I am a 100 yards away from camp the rain begins. I see lightening off in the distance. I decide to stop at the middle camp site if its open and if its still lightening. By the time I get there, it is just raining, with a pretty good wind in my face. I haven’t heard thunder or seen lightening for a while.

I head for the portage. Half way there I hear thunder again, loud, a bit l closer. The Camp site close to the portage has a tent there, so I’m not stopping there. I make it to the portage and start to carry my things across, its still raining, but no thunder or lightening. See a theme yet. I get on the water on Deer lake and 2 minutes later I hear thunder off to the South. I paddle hard for the portage and make a lot of noise as I cross over with the canoe and pack. This is where I saw the Moose and her little ones after all. Still no more thunder so I start to Paddle across Moon Lake, this is a quick paddle. Again I hear thunder when I am on the lake. It sounds far off to the South, but still loud as heck. I get to the portage and move my things across the trail. The mosquitoes are horrible at the E. Bearskin side.

It is still raining lightly, but no more thunder and the skies are clearing a bit to the west. I head out for the end of the lake and the car. I pass a friends cabin as I head down the lake. Their family won’t be up for a couple of weeks, but all looks as it should. After what seems like forever paddling, I make it to the take out. I breath a sigh of relief. I unload the canoe, get the car and check the time its 9:30AM. I take a couple of pics with the timer. I always have an exit point photo and one of me with the canoe on my shoulders. No one else to take that one this time so I do it by the car. Its amazing how Quick you can pick up the canoe when you only have a ten second timer on the camera. Everything in and on the car and I head out.

I decide to check out the Lodge at the end of E. Bearskin. Very nice place, I pick up a couple of little things in the gift shop for my wife and ask about their cabins. Next year some of the non adventurous wives are talking about joining any of the guys that make it. They wouldn’t last a night in the woods, but this lodge looks like a great place for the ladies to stay.

I head up the gunflint a couple of miles and stop at Trail Center for a bite to eat. I have the Walleye and Eggs, pretty darn good. I had wanted to check out this place, and I figured since it was the closest food to the area, it would be important to see. Especially if the girls decide to come up this way next year. The crowd is light, the staff is very pleasant and I pick up a shot glass in the gift shop to add to my collection. I head back down the Gunflint trail, taking my time, soaking in the sights. Happy to be back in civilization, but not yet within cel phone range. It is a blessing and a curse sometimes. I drop off the canoe at the outfitter and grab a quick shower. Now that I’m clean I get on the road. Its just before one when I head out. I don’t stop until Eau Claire for gas and a bite at the A&W, it brings back memories of being a kid and what do you know but they have a free float upgrade. Why not! I am pulling back into the driveway by 10:15pm. Not a bad trip considering I actually ate at the A&W. What a fun trip. I’m happy to be home, but already miss the solitude and serenity of the north woods. Till next trip!