1973: Going Back in Time
by Spartan2
The "X"'s on the map represent our campsites
Note: My "journal" from this trip is a tiny 3 1/2 X 4 inch notebook with just a few pages filled out. It is not written in narrative form, so I will just quote it verbatim rather than trying to fill in very much detail. This was the maiden voyage for our Grumman canoe, and also the first time for the orange nylon tent. We were thrilled NOT to be in a canvas tent!
Day One, August 20:
Left Lake One Landing about 12:30. Several portages. Had a bit of trouble navigating. So many islands!
Made camp on Lake Two at 4:00. Nice campsite. Pet chipmunk. Latrine. [This would have been new to me after traveling in Crown Land in Canada for my only other canoe trip.] Saw more people than last trip.
Cool, sunny, nice. Cool evening.
The best I could do photographing our little chipmunk.