Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

Plan B: Six Days in Sylvania
by naturboy12

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 08/22/2021
Entry & Exit Point: Other
Number of Days: 6
Group Size: 2
Day 6 of 6
Friday, August 27, 2021

The forecast for Friday had been the wildcard of our trip for the entire week, and we knew that we would likely have rain beginning overnight and throughout our voyage out of Sylvania. Thankfully, the rain was very light, and when I woke up at 5:30, it had already finished for the time being. I woke Jaden up at 6:00, and we decided that although it was still really early, we would take advantage of the current dry conditions and pack up camp. We were able to get everything put away and progress almost 1/2 way across Crooked Lake before the raindrops started to fall. The rain was nothing significant, and it was so on and off that we didn't even put on our rain jackets. By the time we got into Clark Lake, the rain has stopped again and stayed that way until about 20 minutes into our trip home. When it did start again, it was heavy, with a fair amount of wind and thunder, so we were glad to have made the decision to get moving early.

All in all we had a fantastic trip. Good to great fishing, a variety of lakes visited, and many shared experiences to talk about and look back upon. We didn't feel like we had missed out despite not getting to take the trip we thought we were going to take to the Boundary Waters, and for that I was extra thankful, as Jaden had been looking forward to the trip all summer. While I can't wait to get Jaden (and hopefully my son Tyler as well) back to the BW next summer, this may have been the greatest Plan B I've ever been a part of.