Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

The best laid plans....
by Bearpath9

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date:
Entry & Exit Point: Wood Lake (EP 26)
Number of Days: 6
Group Size: 1
Part 6 of 6
Didn't hear the loons this morning, but got up around sunrise anyway. I had a lot to do, and wanted to get going. Sunrise was pretty, but that wasn't what got my attention. I noticed a disturbance on the water, and after watching for a minute or two, I saw two heads pop up, then a third. Otters ! Even though they were a ways out, I grabbed the camera and tried to get some pictures. They disappeared after a bit, and I went on getting ready to leave. About 8:30 or so I got into the canoe, and headed out. As usual, easy paddling as there was no wind. That was another constant, along with the on and off showers. Got to the portage to the parking lot around 9:15 or so and started to unload. I had been thinking about this for a while, and decided to take some of weightier items out of the pack first. Took my tent, sleeping bag and a couple of other things that I could carry, tied them together, and strung them around the back of neck. Not too uncomfortable, so I hoisted the canoe up, and started out. Not as easy as the first time, but not too bad. Put the canoe in the grass, took off the yoke, and put what I had in the truck. I also took a big gulp of water. Went back down, grabbed the pack and took off. It was lighter, so I didn't have much in the way of problems. Met a party of 4 young ladies on their way down, and during one of my rest stops, 2 guys coming from Basswood on their way out. Got to the top and chatted with them for a bit, stowed my gear in the cab, since what else--it looked like rain ! Went into town, returned the yoke and paddle, talked to Ryan a bit and went next door to the gas station to fuel up and get some food. Got on the road and headed home, with a couple of good storms on the way. 

Well, I didn't make it to Hoist Bay. Does this mean this trip was a failure ? I don't think it was. I didn't get to where I wanted, true, but I did have a good time, and I learned some more things about myself and how I do these trips. Definitely going to watch what I pack. I already have pulled out several items that will no longer go with me. I will pack my canoe pack, and a smaller pack, so I can carry the small one with the canoe on portages. So double portaging from now on. I need to work on my tarp set-up more, so I don't have to rely on the lean-to set-up. I guess old age is catching up to me, and I do have a problem with that. I have always been in good shape, and not being able to do the stuff that, in my mind, I should be able to do is frustrating. But I can deal with that. All in all, I did have an enjoyable time. It would have been better without the rain, but that is the chance you take. I had fun, saw some wildlife, caught some fish, and learned some things. Learning never gets old.