Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

BSA Troop 409 Granite River 2022
by Cricket67

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 08/22/2022
Entry & Exit Point: Magnetic Lake (EP 57)
Number of Days: 8
Group Size: 4
Day 8 of 8
Sunday, August 28, 2022 Day 7/Wrap up The wind continues throughout the night. According to the Inreach forecast, it will be windy in the morning and slowly diminish throughout the day. It also has shifted and is now coming out of the SW. Thankfully our route is largely with the wind and fairly protected as we make it to and up the Seagull River. We do pass another Eagle shortly before existing the BWCA, a nice bookend to the one that greeted us on Magnetic Lake. Outside of a pretty weird portage through a campground there are no issues and we arrive at Voyageurs around 10:00AM. Everyone takes a nice warm shower and before an uneventful drive home we enjoy a great lunch at Trailcenter. Great way to end a trip!

A couple of notes” • We really were glad to have the Inreach. It was so useful to get a forecast each day. I also used it to let my wife know each day when we were traveling and when we made it to camp. The best thing is that this is giving her peace of mind as I hope to set out on a Solo trip next spring. • We did not have a set of maps for the kids to look at in the front of the canoe. For future trips we will make sure they can follow along and start getting a feel for navigation. • For future trips, we plan to do more canoe training, and in particular go over what to do if we swap a canoe. In the wind we stayed pretty much in control, but I could feel during a couple of the gusts that cam up the boat really wanted to turn sideways. • I happened to bring a razor and after my itchy beard keep me up one night I heats some water and had a shave. I found that I felt great after having some nice hot water on my face and will add this to future trips. • Really looking forward to Gavin and other scouts building experience and really taking over the planning and leadership for future trips. ~Sea Gull Lake

Lakes Traveled:   Sea Gull Lake,