Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

by bumabu

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 10/05/2022
Entry & Exit Point: Brule Lake (EP 41)
Number of Days: 6
Group Size: 3
Day 3 of 6
Friday, October 07, 2022 Today we woke up late with the wind still howling and to the lowest temps of the trip. We lounged in the tent while I make bacon and egg sandwiches for a late breakfast.
The wind seemed to have died down enough to get out and do some fishing so we ventured out and started trolling deep diving baits on the steep side south of the island. Zarek got a really nice Walleye that we kept for dinner that night, and then we trolled all the way back into Brule bay and stopped for lunch on the last campsite back in Brule bay and made some hot beverages over a fire to warm up and then headed back towards camp.
When we got back to camp we warmed up before dinner and then Uncle Fred taught Zarek how to filet his walleye with a really picturesque moonrise in the background. We cooked it and some potatoes for dinner, and boy Zarek was proud to have put our food on the table this night.