Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

8th Trip for the Winona Group
by rideride2

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 07/27/2023
Entry & Exit Point: North Fowl Lake (EP 70)
Number of Days: 4
Group Size: 8
Day 3 of 4
Saturday, July 29, 2023

We woke up, fished, caught some more walleye and Bass then headed to Johnson Falls for a day trip. A quick portage and very quick paddle into Pine brought us to the trailhead. We got to the 1st waterfalls and all jumped in for a swim, the water was very refreshing. We then moved up to the upper waterfall where it was just as refreshing and climbed and hung around for a bit before moving down to the rock bed and having lunch.

We returned back to camp to do some more fishing and relaxing where we had another monster fish fry. Morale was still very high as we enjoyed what this site provided and got to relax.

Nearly every party coming through made mention how they hoped to stay at that site which showed how lucky we were to land this site. The next day we needed to make it to the east end of Pine so we had a long paddle ahead.