Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

A paddler's guide to type 2 fun
by dogwoodgirl

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 07/29/2023
Entry & Exit Point: Brant Lake (EP 52)
Number of Days: 16
Group Size: 2
Day 14 of 16
Friday, August 11, 2023 Rain started overnight and hasn't really quit. There are occasional breaks, but it's real wet out. We broke camp and headed to Gillis, where we found wind, steady rain, and pretty respectable waves. Glad the Quetico is so stable when loaded. Quartered the wind across Gillis, passing 2 occupied sites, and portaged into Bat.

All sites on Bat were open. We checked out the 2 we hadn't stayed at- the one on the north side was windy and exposed, though the tent pad is flat and sandy, probably drains well. Rocks around the fire set up to have only one of the short sides open...weird. Ended up at the middle site. It's a nice site, would be good for larger groups and kids- lots of trails around and plenty of shade if it's hot. Still drizzling on and off, but we have wood if the rain quits and a dry tent. Hoping for less moisture tomorrow.

~Powell Lake, French Lake, Gillis Lake, Bat Lake