Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

The Best Trip Yet (Well, Mostly)
by TrailZen

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 08/27/2023
Entry & Exit Point: Moose Lake to Prairie Portage (EP G)
Number of Days: 10
Group Size: 2
Part 10 of 11
Day 10, September 5, 2023. Exiting Canoe Country and Homeward Bound. 11.2 miles, 2 portages. Carp, Birch, Sucker, Newfound, and Moose Lakes.

As we had our last Canoe Country breakfast, two trumpeter swans flew out of the cove across from our campsite and bald eagles chittered. Loons also called their goodbyes to us. We were on the water around 7:45, and as we approached the border we saw lots of occupied campsites and lots of paddlers coming toward us. I think we saw more paddlers this morning than we've seen in the past nine days, and I hope they all had trips as wonderful as ours has been. Our two portages this morning were wide, flat, and easy walking with good landings. We didn't have wind issues until we were on Moose, where our exits always seem to be paddling into the wind. It got hot again early, so we hugged the eastern shoreline both for shade and for wind shadow.

We reached the public landing on Moose Lake just before 11:30, loaded our gear in/onto the car, and changed into clothes that didn't smell like 10 days in the wild. Stopped at Spirit of the Wilderness outfitters as we entered Ely to check in with US Customs, and had a walleye basket lunch at The Chocolate Moose. Then we pointed the car south for the 1250 mile journey home.