Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

First Quetico trip July 2011
by marc24

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 07/11/2011
Entry & Exit Point: Quetico
Number of Days: 12
Group Size: 4
Day 10 of 12
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

We attempted to sleep without the rain fly on in hopes of staying cooler and more comfortable. The rumble of thunder approaching causes me to arise in the middle of the night and secure camp and rainfly. It rains off and on for awhile, the thunder and lightning keeping us all awake. Because of that, we all sleep in and wake to a wet, dreary morning.

Our goal is to get to Saganagons and as close to Silver Falls for our eventual departure the next morning. The portages on the way out are easier with the lightened load of the food packs, and we make quick work out of them, stopping to fish below each falls. As we reach Saganagons, there is a rather severe looking storm nipping at our heels so we stop at a nice site for lunch and to hopefully let it pass by us. It ends up staying well north of us thankfully and we are back on the water headed for a home for the night. We see a campsite with 4 canoes, the first ones we have seen in days and realize we are getting closer to civilization.

With more dark clouds on the horizon, we come within a short distance of Silver Falls and decide its time to get off the water. The site is Ok, it will make due for an evening that will surely include some rain. We set up camp in the nick of time before a torrent of rain quickly envelops our camp. We huddle together under a makeshift tarp setup and wait out the storm. It eventually passes and after days of scorching temps, we are FINALLY cooled off. The evening turns cool and refreshing and we simply relax and enjoy our last evening in what has been an incredible journey.