Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

Lac La Croix - The Big Lake
by 30Smoke

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 06/14/2023
Entry Point: Little Indian Sioux River (north) (EP 14)
Exit Point: Moose/Portage River (north) (EP 16)  
Number of Days: 10
Group Size: 2
Day 5 of 10
Sunday, June 18, 2023 In honor of “smoothing it”, we broke camp an hour before noon, and headed northeast to the border-planning on catching some deep lakers. That plan did not work so we followed the border to Fortyone Island and stopped on campsite LLC #128 for a break and snacks. More poison ivy on this site; otherwise, very beautiful camp. We continued on toward the Takucmich Lake portage, fishing around the top of the land mass without luck. We crossed the portage and to my delight, the first campsite was open. We would make campsite #102 home for the night. Best part: it was still early. After setting up camp, watching a snake eat a frog, and then eating some of the food we brought with, it was time to catch a Takucmich trout! I had set up a 3 oz lure to fish deep and was paddling around the south bay toward the Trillium Lake portage pulling spoons and crankbaits but was not catching trout. I moved into shallow water, and I did catch a couple small smallmouths, but figured I was here for the trout. Peter was working the other arm of Takucmich and he only caught a few smallmouths, no size. I worked my way across to the middle Campsite #100 to check it out. I did like the campsite, but someone recently before we got here had dumped an Iso propane cannister in the box and several empty packages of food wrapping. If only they could catch these people and punish them. I worked my way back to camp, and caught up with Peter, who said he caught some Rock Bass. It was still another good day, and I was excited to finally be on Takucmich.