Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

Smith State Park & Three Nights in Okefenokee
by TrailZen

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 02/26/2024
Entry & Exit Point: Other
Number of Days: 5
Group Size: 2
Day 4 of 5
Thursday, February 29, 2024, ONWR

No raccoons disrupted our sleep last night. In fact, the only mammal we’ve seen around this platform is a vole that seems to live under a corner of the platform-cute and not a problem. We didn’t hear or see as many birds around this shelter. We have around 12 miles to paddle today, and are on the water around 9:00. Since yesterday’s wind was in our faces, we hoped any wind today would be at our backs. Hah! Still in our faces, although not nearly as strong as yesterday.

When we saw the trail cutter yesterday, we wished for a closer look. Today, while paddling back through Chesser Prairie to the cross-ONWR canal, we found the it anchored beside our paddle trail. What an impressive machine! Two 5-blade rotors, driven by hydraulic motors, are mounted on the bow of the trail cutter, and remove vegetation from the center and edges of the paddle trail. Refuge staff told us the rapid growth of the prairie vegetation requires that prairie routes be cleared every year.

Even though today is cooler-mid 50s-and more overcast than yesterday, we’re seeing ‘gators and turtles. We got to the Coffee Bay shelter at 11:30, and as it wasn't occupied, we stopped for lunch. A solo kayaker doing a cross-swamp trip also made a lunch stop, and we exchanged paddling stories. While there’s no power, the shelter also has a light switch and a reminder to turn off the lights; if you remove the switch plate, you’ll find a geocache.

It's about an hour and a half from our Coffee Bay lunch stop to our night’s destination, Canal Run. It's cooler, so we add layers as we set up our tent. We read for a while before starting dinner prep: a Mexican bean and rice ‘experiment’ and chocolate cheesecake. Back in the tent Tia proceeded to beat me again in Farkle competition.