Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

Solo on Lakes 1-3 before fishing season
by wxce1260

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 05/08/2024
Entry & Exit Point: Lake One (EP 30)
Number of Days: 3
Group Size: 1
Day 3 of 3
Friday, May 10, 2024

The loons were loud again last night and it froze again. Fortunately I had stopped at Piragis and picked up a used BA 0 degree sleeping bag that they had for sale. I brought this out instead of my 20 degree down bag and boy am I glad I did!

I rolled over in my hammock around 6am. I quick checked the forecast and it said rain was supposed to start in my location at around 0830. So, I rolled out of bed, had a cup of coffee and packed up to leave. I was at the portage into Lake One by 0715.

As I approached the portage, I was reminded that I was indeed on the number lakes the day before the fishing opener. I landed my boat at the first portage and about 30 seconds after stepping onto land, from the lake one direction came the FIRST group of the morning. A group of 4 canoes headed into lake 2. The first 2 of their 4 canoes were preceded by their unleased dog who was the first to greet me at the landing. I was double portaging, so I grabbed my first load and headed to the little pond between 1 and 2. At that landing I found the 2 other canoes from the group I had just met, plus another group that had landed with their 3 canoes! They had opted to crowd the portage rather than waiting for this group to complete. Also, I saw another group of 4 canoes just heading into the middle lake as well. I assumed they would wait until the other groups were off the portage. I rand (yes ran) back to get my second load and now there is the first group I met, plus another group who had come behind me from Lake 2 at the landing... so basically 3 groups at the landing into Lake 2 and 6 canoes. I was getting a bit frustrated. I grabbed the rest of my gear and headed to the other side... where to my surprise the 2 canoes were joined by the other group of 4 who did not wait..... now 7 canoes at the landing! I may have sounded a bit angry as I got into my boat and squeezed by them reminding them of the fact they were being really rude by crowding the portages,,,,, As I headed to the shorter portage that went into Lake 1, there was another group at that portage, so I waited in the water for them to complete their portage. As they were still on land and I was waiting--the group that had come from behind me PASSED me on the water and went to the landing regardless of the group that was already there. It definitely was the visual definition of a Clown Show!! Why are people on the number lakes so bothersome!

Well, finally I waited long enough for everyone to disperse and I was able to go across the portage and actually had a nice paddle the rest of the way to the Entry Point. The channel that goes by Kawishiwi Outfitters was especially quiet and pretty! I included a picture below.

I arrived at the EP and just as I finished packing up the Prism on my car it started to rain so I timed that perfect! In all, to have Lake 2 to myself for 2 days was remarkable. But the trip out reminded me why avoiding Lake One during most of the year needs to be a top priority! I fell in love with my Prism! I have 4 more permits this summer--all at much more remote entries, but this trip was certainly worth the last minute decision!