Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

Big Fork River - Little American Falls to Rainy River
by Valkor

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 05/24/2024
Entry Point: Other
Exit Point: Other  
Number of Days: 4
Group Size: 1
Day 4 of 4
Monday, May 27, 2024

My shoulders were kind of sore from yesterday so I went a little slower this day. I noticed the river went down a few inches overnight from looking at the trees. From Ivan Crawford, the river transitions into farmland country with high banks and then into floodplains with silver maples. I saw a lot of deer along the river too and by the road. I also saw what appears to be a marten that swam across the river in front of me. About a 1.5 mile from mouth, I saw a flooded old truck on the right. There was still current all the way to the mouth of the river. I've read someone else's report here that sometimes water from the Rainy River can backfill into Big fork but that wasn't the case. The first thing I saw what a big fish that jumped out of the water. It looked like it was about 2 feet long. Yesterday, I heard something big jumped up behind me while I was looking at the map. I don't know what kind of fish it was. I don't know my fish very well. It got kind of windy in the middle of the day which gave me a good tailwind riding back to my car. It was the only time I got a nice tailwind.