Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

Threading The Weather Needle On Little Indian Sioux
by 907Tundra

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 06/13/2024
Entry & Exit Point: Little Indian Sioux River (north) (EP 14)
Number of Days: 5
Group Size: 2
Trip Introduction:
Each summer my wife and I fly down to Minnesota from Alaska to visit family. For the past three summers we have included a trip to the Boundary Waters in our plans. Our first trip was with my wife’s family to Knife Lake. There was nine of us ranging from age 23 to 79. With this in mind we took a tow on Moose and went as far as Eddy Falls on Knife. A fair amount of paddling and not too much portaging. We had good weather and enjoyed the opportunity to travel in the wilderness with family. The following summer we planned a trip to the Gunflint area with my sister and brother-in-law. We wanted to see a new area and to simply the logistics by having just four people. We did however bring our dog Finn along down from Alaska. We had a great time doing a loop to Cherokee Lake from Tuscarora Lodge. Wanting to keep experimenting, we decided to explore the Echo Trail area this year and chose the Little Indian Sioux EP. Knowing we like to travel a little harder than most of our friends and family we planned this trip just for us and Fin.
Day 1 of 5
Thursday, June 13, 2024 We awoke to a beautiful sunny morning, much to our relief. Strong winds, heavy rain and hail had hit the BWCA during the night. After a stop for pastries and caffeine we made our way up the Echo Trail to EP 14. We portaged to the put in and set off on our adventure.

We had planned to camp on one of the Loon lakes or maybe Slim but after paddling to Upper Pauness and finding it to be pretty windy so early in the day we opted to head east towards Shell and then north to the far end of Heritage Lk. Our goal was to avoid paddling in big open areas exposed to the wind. Although we have lots of whitewater wilderness traveling experience, we don’t know much about paddling on wind tossed lakes in a canoe. One of our goals on all our adventures is to not do anything stupid and end up “in the papers”. This detour added a few portages but we like to opportunity to get out and stretch our legs fairly often. We made camp on the north end of Heritage, tucked away from the wind and enjoyed a pleasant sunny evening on a lake all to ourselves.

Lakes traveled: LISR, Upper Pauness, Lower Pauness, Shell, Heritage

Paddle 7.6 mi, portage 387 rods