Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

Threading The Weather Needle On Little Indian Sioux
by 907Tundra

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 06/13/2024
Entry & Exit Point: Little Indian Sioux River (north) (EP 14)
Number of Days: 5
Group Size: 2
Day 5 of 5
Monday, June 17, 2024 We again awoke to nice weather, calm and a little overcast. With an easy day ahead we took our time making our way back to the EP. Ironically by far the worst mosquitoes were at the take out. After loading the canoe and gear on and in the car we headed back to Ely for some obligatory ice cream. Yes Fin got a little ice cream too. He deserved it, he was as usual, a good boy on the entire trip. As luck would have it we, came out a day earlier than planned which was fortuitous as it rained 3-7 inches across parts of the BWCA the next day. Even the Echo Trail was closed. We threaded the weather needle by squeezing our five day trip in between two of the worst storms thus far this summer.

Lakes Traveled: Shell, Lower Pauness, Upper Pauness, Little Indian Sioux River Paddled 5.4 mi, portaged 337 rods

Trip Totals Paddled 37.3 miles and portaged 2656 rods (single portage)

In summary, we saw several advantages of just going by ourselves and Fin such as simplified logistics, being able to be flexible with our daily goals and it was easier to find suitable campsites when you only need spots for two hammocks and a bug tent. That being said we missed the extra company in the evening, it’s just nice to share special times like this with friends and family. We definitely appreciated the isolation and less used campsites that longer days afforded although I would build in a rest day next time. This loop route was really a great experience for us.