Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

EP 37 to Malberg
by WhitePine1

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 06/27/2024
Entry & Exit Point: Kawishiwi Lake (EP 37)
Number of Days: 4
Group Size: 2
Day 2 of 4
Friday, June 28, 2024

It had rained overnight, and the bugs were so bad, so we were slow to leave the tent this morning. We got up and brought down the food pack from it's hang to make coffee, bacon and pancakes! Yum! Even the mosquitos can't put a damper on a good camp breakfast. Due to the rain, we decided to stick near camp and fish more vs. going to check out the Fishdance Pictos. It was a good call, and we caught just about all the fish species Malberg has to offer. Saw and chatted with a few groups at other sites, and, as usual, everyone was so kind!!

We were lucky enough to spot some big ears swimming down a channel- it was a cow moose and her calf! We kept a good distance, so our pictures aren't great, but we could see she was still shedding some of the colder weather coat! We felt so lucky to see a healthy moose and her calf. We had heard a moose while fishing the day before, and we wondered if it was her.

We continued fishing and exploring the different arms of Malberg. Happily catching fish, but also enjoying the new area for both of us! We talked about the different rock formations- what is that crumbly rock on Malberg??? We would love to know if a geologist is around :)

The rain continued to sprinkle on and off, but not enough to send us into the tent. Plenty good to fish and explore! Again though, the mosquitos were mean, and we were so grateful for our tent to sleep in! ~Malberg Lake

Lakes Traveled:   Malberg Lake,