Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

EP 37 to Malberg
by WhitePine1

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 06/27/2024
Entry & Exit Point: Kawishiwi Lake (EP 37)
Number of Days: 4
Group Size: 2
Day 4 of 4
Sunday, June 30, 2024 It got COLD overnight. After 2 days of rain, everything seemed damp, and the sleeping bags we thought were sufficient warmth with the forecasted temps left us shivering at night. Not the most enjoyable feeling, but I was so grateful for my wool socks and hat I had thrown in my pack. Wool socks are the BEST!

Crawling out of the tent around 5:30 we both gasped- you couldn't see the lake for the fog! My little thermometer on the back of my whistle/compass combo (so you KNOW it is fully accurate haha!) said it was 42 degrees! The coffee tasted extra good that morning! We cooked up the rest of the eggs and bacon and used some homemade granola to make granola pancakes! YUM! Definitely good fuel for the paddle out. We broke down camp and waited for the fog to lift, while taking pictures and just chatting- in no rush! We left camp by about 8 when the fog had lifted enough to safely navigate and when the mosquitos were again getting unbearable! Paddling in the morning sun felt glorious! 

We got through to Polly before starting to really see the crowds- and man there were people! I think we counted at least 11 groups on our way out! A lot of families with kids coming in. The portage leaving Polly- we were the only ones on the Polly side when we started and coming South, and met 3-4 different groups heading North along the trail. We couldn't get our boat in the water fast enough. We again just pulled over the beaver dams, and we were back at the landing before we knew it around 11:30 am. Got everything loaded up, changed into some nice clean dry clothes and started the trek home!

A great trip with lots of wildlife despite the bugs, cold and rain! I really love this time with my dad! ~Malberg Lake, Koma Lake, Polly, Lake, Kawasachong Lake, Square Lake, Kawishiwi Lake

Lakes Traveled:   Malberg Lake, Koma Lake, Polly, Lake, Kawasachong Lake, Square Lake, Kawishiwi Lake,