Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

Frost River
by CanoeingWithKids

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 07/21/2024
Entry Point: Cross Bay Lake (EP 50)
Exit Point: Brant Lake (EP 52)  
Number of Days: 7
Group Size: 4
Day 3 of 7
Tuesday, July 23, 2024 The kids slept in so we didn't head our until 10:30 with plans to get to Bologna Lake and cut the river section in half. On the portage out of Frost, we met 2 guys doing the same loop, heading for the same campsite. Kids decided we could do 2 days of travel that day and make it to Afton so we could have a rest day. Turns out the 2 guys decided not to stop (which they told us at the next portage). But the kids were already sold on the rest day so we skipped Bologna. We were tired and hungry when we got to Afton, but the 2 guys were in that site, so we moved on to Whipped. In Fente, we saw swans and a beaver. It was about 7:30 by then, we were tired and hungry, and the mosquitoes were out in full force. The site looked rarely used and wasn't very good. But we were tired and grateful it existed. There was a little mouse that was poking around our food. When we got home, my daughter found mouse poop in her food bag, but not inside the liner, so it must have been trying to eat her trail mix while we were sleeping. We ate and went right to bed. We heard moose all night but it was too dark to see.