Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

Frost River
by CanoeingWithKids

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 07/21/2024
Entry Point: Cross Bay Lake (EP 50)
Exit Point: Brant Lake (EP 52)  
Number of Days: 7
Group Size: 4
Day 6 of 7
Friday, July 26, 2024 The day was windy from the start. We planned on going to Gillis to camp. When we got there, all the campsites on the north side were already full and the kids didn't want to fight the wind checking out the south ones, so we decided to go to Bat and find a site there. Unfortunately, they were all full. And one of them contained the 2 guys we followed through the Frost River. They said we must be doing the same route. We didn't want to backtrack, although we probably should have, so we reluctantly made our way to Brandt. The kids were not happy about this and the 16 year old showed his displeasure by carrying 2-3 times as much gear over the portages so he wouldn't have to walk back to get more. At the portage to Flying Lake, we sat and waited for people unloading. There were so many! I counted 9 canoes and my son counted 19 people coming one after another going the opposite way we were going. Several of them told us of a moose on the lake and we were excited to finally see one. But by the time we were able to load up, it had moved on. The kids were disappointed we never got to see a moose. We luckily got the last site on Brandt. It was hot and sunny and the sunburns started to blister.