Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

Solo: EP 37 to Malberg Base (Day trips to Fishdance/KivaNiva/Boze)
by cabinsolutions

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 07/19/2024
Entry & Exit Point: Kawishiwi Lake (EP 37)
Number of Days: 5
Group Size: 1
Day 5 of 5
Tuesday, July 23, 2024: 0500: Reveille, quick snack and broke camp 0600: Departed camp and paddled/portaged south thru Malberg, Koma and Polly. As I was approaching the portage out of Polly, I saw three canoes ahead of me heading that way as well. Guess who?! Yes, the Girl Scouts. I noticed they were missing a member as I approached and inquired about the float plane I heard the night before. They had evac'd one of their members who had some complications and needed medical attention. That explained the float plane..... I offered to carry some extra gear on my portage and doubled the first. As I returned, one of the leaders asked if I could help them get to KChong through these longer portages. I agreed and started shuttling gear as efficiently as possible. Following a triple portage, we all arrived safely at KChong (exhausted!) and they had a rescue canoe inbound from EP37. We agreed they were stable enough for me to part ways, so I chose to move on after getting them to this point. I assessed my energy level and realized I should just paddle in the remaining legs and call it a trip. I enjoyed the peaceful winding creeks leading back to Square and Kawishiwi. I met the rescue boat just before Square and briefed them on the crew's condition and location. I paddled out of Kawishiwi to 37 with a sense of relief that they were ok. Packed up my gear around 1330 and headed to Sawtooth Outfitters. This is an amazing outfitter with very friendly staff! They had heard about the Scouts and when I mentioned I needed to pay for all the extra communication on the InReach, they offered to cover it for me. Please give them your business if you need gear and rentals!!!! After a 4 hour return trip to WI, I arrived safely home and was completely satisfied with my first Solo journey! FYI, I checked in on the Girl Scouts the next day.....They all arrived back to their camp, received medical attention and were doing well. For that....I am thankful!
~Malberg Lake, Koma Lake, Polly, Lake, Townline Lake, Kawasachong Lake, Square Lake, Kawishiwi Lake

Lakes Traveled:   Malberg Lake, Koma Lake, Polly, Lake, Townline Lake, Kawasachong Lake, Square Lake, Kawishiwi Lake,