Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

Finding Solitude
by dogwoodgirl

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 07/13/2024
Entry & Exit Point: Snowbank Lake (EP 27)
Number of Days: 16
Group Size: 2
Day 10 of 16
Monday, July 22, 2024 Another travel day. "Hill Climbing! Now with more rocks!" Started the day with a rocky 85 rod portage that went uphill to a small maple tree down at head height. Got out the Silky BigBoy saw and cleared the tree, our good deed for the day. 3 shorter portages and a 90 rod and we're on Fraser. The string of little lakes between Kekekabic and Fraser was beautiful, lots of tall trees and cliffs. We saw many groups traveling towards Kekekabic, quite a few seemed to be scouts. Went down the east arm of Fraser towards Cap and the lone campsite was open! 5 stars- huge white pine, big granite kitchen area, flat tent pad and a couple other smaller tent pad.

It's been raining since Gerund Lake, finally stopped for now. Got a dry camp set up and had some lunch. Never really warmed up, but no more rain and a little sun. We cut a bunch of wood, had chili and quesadillas and chocolate pudding. Now just enjoying the fire. The big pine in camp was filled with little birds in the late afternoon- ovenbird, chickadees, back and white warbler, blackburnian warbler, hummingbird, white throated sparrow, black throated green warbler. Found a deserted robin's nest.

No one seems to come down this bay.

~Kekekabic Lake, Strup Lake, Wisini Lake, Ahmakose Lake, Gerund Lake, Fraser Lake