Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

Reid’s first trip
by cwallace

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 07/31/2024
Entry & Exit Point: Lake One (EP 30)
Number of Days: 4
Group Size: 2
Day 3 of 4
Friday, August 02, 2024

Reid called it the bad luck day. Had a great nights rest until 345 when Reid woke up and forgot where he was. So I crawled into his hammock. Wasn’t very much later and the bottom of the hammock split right down the middle. Dumping both of us onto the ground. So I got up and decided to try to nap in the chair for a little bit longer and put reid in the other hammock. He went back to snoozing until like 8:30. I went through a quick dozen leeches. Added a few nice ones to the stringer. Kinda nice having a long stringer and access to deep water to keep em alive until you want to clean them.

Reid and I went out on main lake structure pitching finishers and had a pretty good couple of hours. Then the wind came and we were pretty much shore bound the rest of the day. So we relaxed and chatted and read books and went swimming. Went to go grab a couple walleyes off the stringer. Damn this feels really heavy. Yep, big old snapper was having his own meal of our fish. So we went and soaked some leeches again off the rock and picked up dinner.

We re did the hammock in hopes that we can both sleep in it tonight. We took a half hour cat nap and I think we can make the most of it. Otherwise I’m sitting in the chair or sleeping on a rock.

The only thing I can think of is that the hammock caught an edge of a sharp rock and that’s what did it. 500 pound weight capacity so it wasn’t that, or it was just a defect. I spent months researching which one to get and asked tons of questions. Anywho, I didn’t think the company would do anything for me, but I went through the warranty process while having oatmeal. While I was making pizzas at lunch I had gotten an email apologizing for it and it happening in the middle of no where. (Yet we could watch Netflix out here if we wanted) They said they were going to replace but thought that I should have the next model up that’s a bit thicker. By dinner I had the shipping information. Just unreal to me. All in all a simple but great day 2.

Reid is already writing down the plans for 2025 and that we need to bring Henry with but we need to get him in a canoe at home to practice.