Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

A journey into serenity
by anoop1986k

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 08/22/2024
Entry & Exit Point: Fall Lake (EP 24)
Number of Days: 4
Group Size: 7
Day 2 of 4
Friday, August 23, 2024

Day 2: Embracing the Wilderness

The second day was all about exploration. After a hearty breakfast, we set out to canoe around Pipestone Bay and Basswood Lake. The lakes were alive with wildlife. We spotted bald eagles soaring majestically overhead, common loons gliding on the water, and lake gulls dotting the sky. Each sighting felt like a gift from the wilderness, a reminder of the untouched beauty of the BWCAW.

A short portage and hike brought us to a pristine white lily pond, its still waters reflecting the sky like a mirror. The peace was indescribable, a perfect fusion of nature’s beauty and our own contentment. A light lunch by the pond kept us energized as we returned to our campsite.

The evening brought with it a gourmet dinner, a pleasant surprise given our remote location. As the sun dipped below the horizon, we gathered around the campfire once more. Stories were shared and laughter echoed through the trees. The night sky, unpolluted by city lights, revealed a tapestry of stars that seemed within arm’s reach. We were able to spot the arm of the milky way, identify a multitude of constellations with ease.