Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

40th Birthday 1st PMA Stuart River - Sterling - Iron - Stuart Lollipop Loop Mid Aug
by EasyFisher

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 08/17/2024
Entry Point: Stuart River (EP 19)
Exit Point: Stuart River (EP 19)  
Number of Days: 8
Group Size: 2
Day 3 of 8
Day 2 Monday August 19th 2024 – Sterling layover

We woke up, moved a little slow and made my best breakfast yet in the BWCA. I’m usually and oatmeal guy, I like things quick and easy. And with the bigger group we’ll to pancakes a few times with a griddle over the fire. But I had never been able to pack in fresh eggs, I pre-cooked sausage and froze it, and added some pre packaged bacon to a tortilla and had Sausage, Bacon, Egg, and Cheese Burritos!! They were excellent. While I was cooking chris was quickly pulling in the walleye from shore with a bobber and leech. We decided not to keep any fish yet, it was still to early in the day.

We went to explore and fish Sterling Lake. We both needed to poop, so found our spot to dig a hole and have the whole PMA experience. We searched for blueberries but we only found one small blueberry hear and there. We continued to troll most of the lake, picking up few fish hear and there, but not a lot. We went to go check out the 8rd portage we would be tackling tomorrow, it was super easy. I told Chris that it looked like a place for raspberries but we couldn’t find any. I did however find a Moose Antler in the water in between the rocks. We collected some firewood and headed back to camp.

We headed back to camp to make steak for lunch since it was fully thawed. We packed our own little grate for the fire, and Chris processed wood and built a nice divider with the rocks in the fire pit so that we could cook our steaks on the fire. We made some mashed potatoes and had a filling lunch.

After lunch and dishes we went for another swim, to a close by island. We swam back and floated some leeches in the water. Chris’s pole started going crazy and he started to real in a big pike. We saw it thrash, but when he got the fish in, all that was on was a perch! We continued to go fishing for dinner and brought back 4 eater walleyes. We fried them up and added some freeze dried green beans we picked up the night before we left at Piragis. We saved a lunch for the day!

It was getting late in the evening we were getting ready to have a fire and the fish stopped biting. The leach locker was floating and I wanted it to sink into some cooler water overnight so I threw the leech locker back into the water, the rope tied to the tree went taught, and the bottom of the leech locker popped off the threads and went flying into the water with all the leeches!!! I was in aww, Chris said he closed it, I know it was already closed because it was already in the water floating. It was just a freak accident. There went our $33 in leeches for the rest of the week. Chris and I salvaged about 7 or 10 leeches from shore with the fishing net and kept them in the plastic container the leeches came in. He felt really bad, but I told him, these things happened, it’s what it is, I’m not going to let it bother me. We are still going to catch fish, because I aways pack way too many fishing lures (And this time I am glad that I did, although my pound of jigs I had packed are now rendered useless, LOL!), and dang it, I’m a damn good fisherman (at least that’s what I tell myself). I told Chris we should really get one more bag of water to filter, but we were so tired still, he wanted to wait until the morning.

We had another beautiful sunset, the full moon came out, we had a fire, the bugs attacked Chris, and the beavers circled our campsite slapping their tails.

Camp Site Rating (4*) – one really nice tent pad, great views for sunset, nice size fire pit, landing was okay, bear hang tough but managed a decent one, the seating was really close to the fire, not much room for camp chairs, plenty of trees for hammock campers. (This was our favorite site for the trip)

Fish Total – Walleye (9), Pike (4), Perch (1), Sucker (1)