Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

BWCA Sawbill to alton
by CoreyL

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 07/10/2024
Entry & Exit Point: Sawbill Lake (EP 38)
Number of Days: 6
Group Size: 3
Day 4 of 6
Friday, July 12, 2024

This morning to start the day I decided to have a cup of coffee. This was a good boost for the start of the day. I started the fire to cook some hash browns, and eggs to put on a tortilla for a breakfast taco. It tasted really good, anything in the wilderness will taste good.

Today we wanted to go on a little trip to Beth Lake. This was a lake with lots of trout and pike we saw from the bank. This was a 140-rod portage and I was glad we only walked it. We didn't take the canoe because we didn't know what the portage was going to be like and by golly I am glad we walked it considering it was very muddy and steep with lots of rocks. After we got back to the canoe we casted a few rods in the water to see what there was for fish and sadly again, no fish... As we started to paddle back the wind picked up so we decided to drift with the wind and through a few casts into the water, and again no fish.

When we got back we thought about what we wanted for dinner tonight and chose goulash, a very tasty meal in the BWCA. I cooked the noodles and Uncle Todd cooked the meat with sauce, and then combined them together. For dessert tonight we had a peach pie. After our meal, we played a game of Five Crown and took another dip in the water to cleanse ourselves after a day's sweat from paddling. 

Miles paddled: 3.46   Hours: 5   Portage Rods: 280 Lakes: Alton, Beth