Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

8 guys on the Clearwater Loop
by bnics

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 08/24/2024
Entry & Exit Point: Clearwater Lake (EP 62)
Number of Days: 7
Group Size: 8
Day 6 of 7
Thursday, August 29, 2024

It's the coldest morning of the trip and it is this exact moment I am regretting the following items: base layer tops & bottoms, hat, and gloves. The forecast never predicted it would get lower than 50 so I figured I was fine. Better believe I'll be bringing at least base layers next time. Me being a little chilly, I slept in which was much needed. I got woken up mid-morning with a delivery of breakfast sandwiches and coffee. Can't get much better than that.

Today is a first for us. We don't have anywhere to be...kind of an odd feeling. It led to a slow and lazy day around camp. There's talk of day trips but not many takers. One canoe did end up checking out Gogebic Lake for a bit. Naps, lounging, journaling, and plenty of wood gathering. You can't forget about the fishing! A lot of lines were cast with the rocky shorelines of this site. Leads you to asking questions like "how many Mepps are at the bottom of this lake? "

By midafternoon we saw that there was some rain in the forecast overnight. Putting on the rain flys and we will be keeping an eye on the weather. Unlimited weather updates with the Garmin. While it is windier today, that West bay on our campsite (which we named Brandon's Bay) was blocked from the wind and a solid 10+ degrees warmer than the main part of the site. That's actually where the outline for this report was written. After watching my friends cast on that bay and taking a break, I decide to start journaling for a trip report and watch my friends’ line. Just a leech on a bobber. All of the sudden I look up and the bobber is gone. As I grab the rod and start reeling it in, I'm shouting loud so the camp can hear me. My first fish of the trip, shortly after I started writing up this report. An incredible feeling. Better yet, it's an eating size there a chance we fry up some fish tonight?

Dark clouds in the distance but still no report of rain until tonight. Out of nowhere we get about 10 minutes of light rain. Camp gets cleaned and organized up quickly when things can get wet. Not too bad though, our fire was maintained and we were back to fishing and preparing dinner. Caught a few more, eating size but nothing special. Dinner tonight my friend would be taking care of again. Adequately named "chef's surprise" in memory of the tuna mac we had on our last trip. This was a mac with ground beef instead, all dehydrated and seasoned by my friend. Turned out wonderful. He really knocked it out of the park with his meals. The sun is starting to go down, I am hoping for 1 more fish so everyone can get a decent portion of fish. Finally, one guy comes out and decides to throw a Hail Mary cast. Sure enough he hooks into a nice smallmouth, we're going to be having some fish!

Hard to believe it's the last night and we are about to enjoy our first fish fry of the trip. A storm is coming through and it began to rain while the fish were still being cleaned. A light rain but it was nice to finish packing things down. It'll only make it easier tomorrow as well. We start frying up the fish, all huddled around the fire in the rain. The fish tastes great and it couldn't be a more fitting end to this trip. We would put a few more things away and head to bed as the rain picked up. If it had been nice out, I'm sure we would've stayed up late tonight. You never want times like this to end.