BSA Northern Tier Canoe Trip - Bissett, Manitoba Atikaki Provincial Park
by Ohiopikeman
START DAY: Bisset, Manitoba
END DAY: Eau Claire, Wisconsin
The crews awoke, had a final breakfast, and said our goodbyes to our interpreters Adam and Brian. We all signed a troop 927 neckerchief and left it on display in the map room where one could see similar neckerchiefs from scout groups from all over Canada and the Unites States.
We started another long day of driving from Bissett back to our same hotel in Eau Claire Wisconsin.
The highlight for Matthew, Cameron, George, and Joey was to exceed their former performance of “filling the jug” before reaching the hotel at the end of the day. To facilitate the task, the boys purchased a large case of bottled water and an empty 5-gallon water jug at a Walmart in Winnipeg. Once again, the challenge of filling the 5-gallon water jug was successfully completed.