BSA Northern Tier Canoe Trip - Bissett, Manitoba Atikaki Provincial Park
by Ohiopikeman
START DAY: Sasaginnigak Lake
END DAY: Sasaginnigak Lake
CAMP #2, 3 (layover day)
The rain started at 4:30 AM and lasted all day long with only small windows of opportunity to attempt to dry anything.
The mosquitoes were out in full force in camp which made hiding under the tarp challenging as we attempted to keep dry while we all unwillingly provided excellent meals for the Atikaki mosquitoes. The scouts (along with both Cindy and me) were most amazed with Brian as he did not own a head net, often wore shorts, and never used bug spray. Apparently living and working in the North makes one immune to the torments of the bugs.
We fished at the rapids between Kawaseecheewonk and Sasaginnigak Lake. Unfortunately, the cold and rain compounded with mediocre fishing at the rapids resulted in cutting the trip short and we headed back to camp.
Cameron, George, Matthew, and Joey opted to do a swimming tour of the local islands which provided entertainment and passed the time. Excess energy was also burned-off with Brian leading the scouts in a push-up contest.