Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

A Wildlife adventure
by thecanoeman

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 06/22/2007
Entry & Exit Point: Moose/Portage River (north) (EP 16)
Number of Days: 8
Group Size: 2
Day 5 of 8
Tuesday, June 26, 2007


This morning it’s raining on and off till 4:00 pm during the off periods me and TCW pick a hat full of blueberries, we have delicious blueberry pancakes for breakfast. We’ve been in the bdub a few days and this is the day TCW loves, it’s hair washing day with warm water, when we first started this years ago I thought I’ll just wash my hair with lake water, till one day TCW talked me into the warm water thing and I must admit I’m a big fan of it now. We have pizza for a late lunch. TCW decides to catch up on her journal while I go fishing. I start getting ready and turn the canoe over and there’s a garter snake slithering away I catch it and it has the rotten worms I discarded earlier in the day falling out of its mouth. This area is filled with smallies, I use TCW advice and use a Mepp’s spinner and really start slamming them the largest of the day was an 18”. My boots are old and constantly wet and the flies just love them, so I start calling myself LORD OF THE FLIES. We notice an otter hanging around for a few minutes then it disappears as fast as it show’s up. It’s an excellent evening and we have a small campfire before turning in.