Four Solos 2007
by Bannock
This was our annual Four Solos Trip. We had planned for several months and agreed upon a Little Gabbro Entry Point. It didn’t have our regular 300+ rod portage, but it did have a couple 200+ rods and a 100+ rod portage on the first day so we judged it OK. However, the water levels were running high – very unusual for the fall. So a couple weeks before put-in Steve suggested a Stuart River Entry. Normally the water levels are too low in the fall for this trip, but not this year, so the change was made.
Just for the record, by my figuring Ely is 370 miles away from home one-way and should take about 7 1/2 hours to get there. It’ll be another hour to the entry point from Ely. Because we are going into the BWCA after October 1st, we need only have a free, self-issued permit. And because there are no quota limits after October 1st we each get our own permit. So instead of being one group of four we are four groups of one. We do this so that we each have a copy of the permit for when we go off on our own. I never really thought about it but it might have some effect on the NFS statistics.
Temperatures are erratic for the October trip. One year the highs were in the 80s and another year it struggled to get above 30. The lows have range from 20 to 45. My guess for this year for planning purposes was: High 55 & Low 30. It turned out I was right on. I even knew that rain was forecasted. What I didn’t realize was how overcast and windy it would be.