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    Trip Planning Forum
       Black Flies are out.
Date/Time: 09/27/2024 04:50PM
Black Flies are out.

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billconner 06/25/2017 10:02AM
No. Thought about it but I use white gas stoves so didn't make sense but if I pick up a jet boil for more backpacking and ultralight canoe trips, I might. I only used 2 1/2 of the little cylinders I think. I will count and report how much I used. I took 15 pads and 5 cylinders and not half from a glance in 7 days.

Do want a holster or clip to keep it on me for portages.

VoyageurNorth 06/24/2017 10:24PM
billconner, have you tried using the new Thermacell stove type unit? Nice and compact and works with a butane/iso fuel cartridge. On the small fuel container with the right amount of infused bug repellent pads, it can run for 90 hours!

billconner 06/24/2017 08:38PM
Like "plastics" in The Graduate, just one word -Thermacell. Strike it is while portaging, while taking a break for lunch, and anywhere around camp where you are sitting. Amazing. I'll never go without at least one again. Bugs were bad past seven days but hardly used the deep after first trying Thermacell.
joewildlife 06/24/2017 07:57PM
June 1-3 was bad for bugs, including the buffalo gnats and blackflies. First time I have donned a headnet in 8 trips, I knew I carried it for a reason. By the 3rd we just started wearing the bugnet over our ears to keep the gnats out, and then it gradually got better. I always go in right around June 1, but this year was the worst ever for bugs. I blame the early ice out! The walleye fishing was sub-par as well, only made up for by all the smallmouth on the beds (which I haven't experienced like that before!) By June 4 things seemed to get back closer to normal, with just the usual nuisance mosquitoes. But overall, we had ALL the bugs this year, like no other. no see ums, blackflies, gnats, mosquitoes, deer flies, stable flies, and ticks were all much worse than normal. I really hope next winter is a cold, long one!
davep785 06/23/2017 08:05PM
I'm no expert, I usually trip in the fall. I soaked my clothes and hat in permetherine, .05% mix. Zip off pants and long sleeve shirt. There was some wind that helped keep them away as well.
forgop 06/23/2017 07:08PM
quote davep785: "I was in the area last week. I encountered a few on the winding LIS river, but almost zero on Shell and Lynx.

Thanks for the feedback.

What is my biggest risk? I'm assuming the biggest issue will be at camp in the evening rather than on the water. I have a Thermacell and will pack some spray as well. Hoping I can get by with minimal bug activity. I was on a fly-in 2 years ago in Ontario where the black flies and mosquitoes were relentless once we were in camp, day and night. I had to put on my heavy rain gear, head net, and gloves with constant swatting while I was cleaning fish.

davep785 06/22/2017 02:32PM
I was in the area last week. I encountered a few on the winding LIS river, but almost zero on Shell and Lynx.
forgop 06/22/2017 11:23AM
Can someone give me an update as to how bad I should expect the black flies and mosquitoes to be launching the 28th and coming back out the 4th? I'll be in the Lynx/shell area primarily. TIA
BigCurrent 06/22/2017 10:34AM
From what I have heard the black flies are the worst about 2-3 weeks before the mosquitoes come out. That usually means that the black flies are bad early to mid-june. This year they came out earlier than normal.

As far as repelling them, I don't think any repellent works like it does for mosquitoes. You just have to cover up and protect your skin. I do know they are attracted to dark colored clothing as well, so lighter clothing may be a slight advantage when they are out and biting.

Lots of info here.
NickKnifeLake 06/22/2017 10:31AM
I have a question that I would really appreciate an answer to if anyone knows:

When are the black flies worst/best? I know that with mosquitos its better early spring/late summer, and if there is less moisture around. But with flies I dont really have any idea when/what conditions attach/repel them? What is the best defense mechanism if they are out?

Thanks ~
BigCurrent 06/19/2017 08:07AM
It seems the annual fishing and bug patterns started a couple of weeks early. I can only assume that was a result of the early ice out.
BasecampMom 06/19/2017 08:02AM
Didn't have too many black flies over on Crab. Actually - a handful of horse flies, but not those tiny a-holes.

Mosquitoes & noseums now... that was a whole different story. Today we're all itching our bites, and applying benadryl liberally!
huntfun2 06/19/2017 08:00AM
We just got out yesterday and we did not have one black fly the whole 5 days. Mosquitos on the other hand were horrendous.
luft 06/19/2017 06:51AM
quote IcePaddler: "Just got back from the snowbank area on Sunday. Only got bit by one black fly. Mosquitoes were pretty thick but bearable. "

We were right next door on the number lakes and the black flies were definitely out as were the mosquitoes. We wore head nets and bug spray.
BigCurrent 06/15/2017 11:23AM
quote FOG51: "I was up on Ensgin [BWCA] starting on the 29th of may for a week, the Black Flies were really bad, I mean the worst I've seen in about 30 years. They about ate me alive, the only relief was my bug net hung under a tarp in camp, 100% deet across my forehead and ears when I was fishing slowed them down but didn't stop them. They were almost as bad in the middle of the lake as on shore. Almost no skeets and only a few deer flies. Came out on the 6th of June and they weren't nearly as bad or they had already drained me. FRED"

That sounds very similar to our Memorial Weekend trip.
IcePaddler 06/13/2017 08:20AM
Just got back from the snowbank area on Sunday. Only got bit by one black fly. Mosquitoes were pretty thick but bearable.
FOG51 06/13/2017 03:23AM
I was up on Ensgin [BWCA] starting on the 29th of may for a week, the Black Flies were really bad, I mean the worst I've seen in about 30 years. They about ate me alive, the only relief was my bug net hung under a tarp in camp, 100% deet across my forehead and ears when I was fishing slowed them down but didn't stop them. They were almost as bad in the middle of the lake as on shore. Almost no skeets and only a few deer flies. Came out on the 6th of June and they weren't nearly as bad or they had already drained me. FRED
luft 06/12/2017 09:57PM
Heading in again this weekend with the boys so I hope the downward bug trend continues!
Gonda12 06/12/2017 09:52AM
Just finished a trip, 6/7-6/10. EP 14 up to Shell with a day trip through Heritage and Lynx. We camped on Con Island. Black flies and mosquitoes were definitely present on the trip in. I wore a T shirt and shorts and had a few bites on my forearms and legs. Deet obviously worked well for the mosquitoes. It rained that first night and after that, black flies weren't really an issue for the rest of the trip. Mosquitoes took over after that and were everywhere but those are much easier to deal with. Always carried a head net but never even had to think about putting it on. Didn't use permethrin and never saw a tick. After reading the forum before the trip I was pleasantly underwhelmed by the bugs.
Grandma L 06/11/2017 05:43PM
quote MacCamper: "Following due diligence and guidance from this forum I planned well and prepared my wife for what could potentially have been a serious black fly issue over the last seven days in the BWCA. To say the least, I way overhyped the concern as black flies and mosquitos were not an issue. We explored from Kiwishiwi to Beaver, Fisher, Amber, pictographs, Malberg, Koma and then out with very, very little bother from the black devils. I am grateful they were not as bad as predicted. Never even broke out the Deet or my bugshirt. Set up the bug tent one day but didn't use it. Too bad as I bought it after reading the discussion regarding a horrendous hatch.

You were lucky - seems the "hatch" has passed. Good news!
MacCamper 06/10/2017 09:57AM
Following due diligence and guidance from this forum I planned well and prepared my wife for what could potentially have been a serious black fly issue over the last seven days in the BWCA. To say the least, I way overhyped the concern as black flies and mosquitos were not an issue. We explored from Kiwishiwi to Beaver, Fisher, Amber, pictographs, Malberg, Koma and then out with very, very little bother from the black devils. I am grateful they were not as bad as predicted. Never even broke out the Deet or my bugshirt. Set up the bug tent one day but didn't use it. Too bad as I bought it after reading the discussion regarding a horrendous hatch.

shuz 06/10/2017 05:59AM
September - October has been the least bugs for me. First week of June was bad for buffalo gnats on Clearwater.
Grandma L 06/06/2017 04:31PM
So how long are the Black Flies around? When do they leave and the next crop start?
Maybe september travel is the best option.
jamotrade 06/06/2017 09:46AM
Yes. Those are Stable Flies.
huntfun2 06/06/2017 07:03AM
Are the black flies different than the "ankle flies" that bite through your sandals?
BigCurrent 06/06/2017 06:49AM
quote BasecampMom: "
I am finding that my Picardin works so much better than Deet and smells so much better too!

Black flies aren't bothered by repellent, you just have to cover up.
mapsguy1955 06/06/2017 06:41AM
I recall a national Geographic article on biting flies many years ago. They had photos on the mouths of black flies and they looked like broken Coke bottles. They actually dig a hole in your skin and sip the blood... Gives new meaning to "Bloody Mary."
BasecampMom 06/05/2017 10:20PM
Oh dang - I just posted in the general forum on how the flies and skeeters were doing. I wish I would have seen this post - otherwise I wouldn't have posted.

Shoot, I'm still recovering from my hiking trip this past weekend from the skeeters. Quote from my blog post, "Eventually I had to drop my pack and spray an angry amount of Deet on my arms while teeth gritting – muttering with force, “take that ass-holes”.

YIKES! We head up shortly to the BWCA.

Okay - based on your advice.... definitely getting me and Basecamp kid hats and headnets... and probably bug shirts too. Those darn biting flies ARE the worst. They're mean and they stick to you.

I am finding that my Picardin works so much better than Deet and smells so much better too!

Any other tips? We always go shoulder seasons when there are no bugs. (Excited for the fishing tho!)
mr.barley 06/05/2017 08:30PM
quote gopher2307: "Just came out from Knife yesterday. The black flies, which were slightly different than gnats but similar in behavior, were out but not horrendous. Day 1 we wore bug nets because they were pretty bad - first time I've felt the need to wear a bug net. After that, they either weren't that bad or we were used to them." Heading into Knife on Sunday. I hope the trend continues.
luft 06/05/2017 08:05PM
Jeepgirl and I just got back from the Kawishiwi Lake area. Black flies were terrible on all lakes from Kawishiwi to Adams and back. Mosquitoes were also out but not as bad as the black flies. Headnets saved our sanity. I also used some old sock cuffs on my wrists to keep the black flies from crawling into my sleeves and tucked my pant cuffs into my socks and my shirt tails into my pants.

I had two dog ticks and jeepgirl had one all on that first day in to Malberg. Didn't get any more ticks after that. My clothing was permethrin treated. Found one inside my pants not attached and one attached to my neck.
gopher2307 06/05/2017 05:53PM
Just came out from Knife yesterday. The black flies, which were slightly different than gnats but similar in behavior, were out but not horrendous. Day 1 we wore bug nets because they were pretty bad - first time I've felt the need to wear a bug net. After that, they either weren't that bad or we were used to them.
CityFisher74 06/05/2017 11:14AM
I stopped worrying about any sort of bug once I purchased long breathable pants, a long breathable shirt and a head net. I no longer wear shorts or short sleeve shirts, ever, and the bug net stays in my chest pocket at all times until I need it. They can't get you through your clothing and if they are bad enough through the head net on and you are home free.
GeoFisher 06/05/2017 09:52AM
The Black Flies, No See Um and mosquitoes were HORRID on our fly in trip to Clay / Paddle to Kawnipi.......

They were extremely brutal on Saganagons on our trip out. I believe I lost about 2-3 pints of blood on this trip .

Oh, my thumbs are also in traction right now, from lifting so many smallies. I'm also looking for someone who can do skin graphs on them, as they are ripped to shreds to the bone. :) :) .


GoSpursGo 06/05/2017 09:21AM
quote egknuti: "quote mastertangler: "Egknuti the flies which give you a wallop on your sandal clad feet are commonly referred to as "ankle biters" (stable fly).

If you are not familiar with the black fly plague count your lucky stars. Fortunately they don't last for to long.

I have a good no-see-um story. I used to travel via motor home and pulled into a Florida inlet at Sebastian to fish. I fished a good portion of the night away and went back to my Mobil domicile to crash. Naturally I had left the windows open and relied upon the screens for protection.

I laid down but kept itching my scalp. Irritated I decided to take a shower and get clean and then lay back down even though I was totally exhausted. Ah, finally........back to itching! I turned a light on and seen many tiny little black dots buzzing round . I watched as one landed on my arm and then seconds later a pin prick.......I had to leave the area at about 4 A.M. "

I usually call a tiny dog an ankle biter."

Ive always used ankle biter in reference to small children
Duckman 06/05/2017 08:51AM
Frost Lake last week...

Worst I've ever experienced. No spray or thermacell or store bought method worked.

You just had to keep covered up, or in our case, smoke cigars to get any relief.
Bumstead 06/05/2017 08:25AM
quote BigCurrent: "quote pastorjsackett: "I don't know what we were facing last weekend but we all had bites along the hairline where Ibuffs and hats stopped. My arms got hit too. The bites are still there but I probably should stop scratching them sometime. "

Same beasts that were out over Memorial Day. Black flies BITE, they are not gnats. They are flesh eating flying demons."

lol....oh, man, I hope they are going away soon! Have never faced the demons in full force and I'm hoping later this week isn't my first opportunity.
BigCurrent 06/05/2017 07:50AM
quote pastorjsackett: "I don't know what we were facing last weekend but we all had bites along the hairline where Ibuffs and hats stopped. My arms got hit too. The bites are still there but I probably should stop scratching them sometime. "

Same beasts that were out over Memorial Day. Black flies BITE, they are not gnats. They are flesh eating flying demons.
hwdhusky 06/04/2017 10:22AM
Thanks Jaywalker
lindylair 06/04/2017 06:57AM
Just got back from Perent Lake via Hog Creek for 5 days. After hearing so much about the ticks, black flies and skeeters we were dreading the bugs. Well there were bugs for sure but we were totally underwhelmed by them. Mosquitoes were few and far between and mostly at dawn or dusk. Not a single tick to be found. The black flies were out in force though (or gnats or whatever they are) and pretty annoying. But only because of the numbers and the fact that they would do a kamikaze flight straight into your forehead, eyes or ears. However we found that DEET was very effective on them. After a good application they would still fly around some and even make a bluff charge at your forehead, but stop short and fly away. They were much less of a problem than anticipated and really not much of a bother with repellent applied. We both brought headnets and neither of us felt the need to use them at any point. Neither of us had any bites from skeeters or black flies the whole trip.

Be prepared, they may get worse. I have always thought mid to late June was the worst time for bugs. But DEET is amazing stuff and works well. If you are hesitant to use DEET on your skin, well - good luck.
pastorjsackett 06/04/2017 04:47AM
I don't know what we were facing last weekend but we all had bites along the hairline where Ibuffs and hats stopped. My arms got hit too. The bites are still there but I probably should stop scratching them sometime.
Renol 06/03/2017 07:55PM
quote DontPanic: "My first trip in the bwca is this year. That being said I'm not sure if what you are referring to is gnats. If it is, dettol mix with water in a spray bottle works excellent. I was golfing last weekend and could walk through swarms of them and not a single one bothered me. "

I was always under the impression gnats were tiny little things that buzzed around or landed on your arm briefly. These are bigger say slightly fatter than mosquitos and aggravating as snot as all they seem interested in doing is going after your face. These don't bite but want to have "face time" with you as if you're a celebrity in a crowd of adoring fans. Deet didn't bother them and a bandana soaked with permethrin didn't seem to either.
yogi59weedr 06/03/2017 01:46PM
Dettro,,,,,,,,what is that
How much
yogi59weedr 06/03/2017 01:46PM
Dettro,,,,,,,,what is that
How much
DontPanic 06/03/2017 02:46AM
My first trip in the bwca is this year. That being said I'm not sure if what you are referring to is gnats. If it is, dettol mix with water in a spray bottle works excellent. I was golfing last weekend and could walk through swarms of them and not a single one bothered me.
hooky 06/02/2017 02:27PM
We went out of Sawbill last week and went north to Tuscarora and back. Whatever those non-biting flies are, they're annoying as all get out. It took a pretty stiff wind or a good steady drizzle to knock them down.

They would wind up in our food and coffee cups. I'm sure I ended up eating or swallowing more than a dozen over the course of the week. Picked several out of my ears.

BigCurrent 06/02/2017 11:57AM
quote BuckFlicks: "If I ever thought about changing my traditional time frame from mid September to an early summer trip, this thread just sealed the deal to never go any other time than after Labor Day."

I have been going up either the week after fishing opener or Memorial Day weekend for the last 20+ years and have never had to deal with black flies. This year was just an anomaly for the flies, but with the crowds I saw this year on Memorial Day weekend I will be going the prior week from now on.
pastorjsackett 06/02/2017 11:52AM
We were north of Knife on Carp in the Quetico Memorial Day weekend at got eaten alive. I have bites all over. The bugs came out in the warm weather and even had to wear bugnets ON THE LAKE. Evenings were better--it got cool and they went away.

But the day times were bad!!
BuckFlicks 06/02/2017 11:38AM
If I ever thought about changing my traditional time frame from mid September to an early summer trip, this thread just sealed the deal to never go any other time than after Labor Day.
egknuti 06/02/2017 08:00AM
quote mastertangler: "Egknuti the flies which give you a wallop on your sandal clad feet are commonly referred to as "ankle biters" (stable fly).

If you are not familiar with the black fly plague count your lucky stars. Fortunately they don't last for to long.

I have a good no-see-um story. I used to travel via motor home and pulled into a Florida inlet at Sebastian to fish. I fished a good portion of the night away and went back to my Mobil domicile to crash. Naturally I had left the windows open and relied upon the screens for protection.

I laid down but kept itching my scalp. Irritated I decided to take a shower and get clean and then lay back down even though I was totally exhausted. Ah, finally........back to itching! I turned a light on and seen many tiny little black dots buzzing round . I watched as one landed on my arm and then seconds later a pin prick.......I had to leave the area at about 4 A.M. "

I usually call a tiny dog an ankle biter.
Bumstead 05/31/2017 01:10PM
Exactly how long do these little blood surgeons typically last? And the reports are saying worst they've seen? I am launching a week from tomorrow and wonder if head nets are a necessity this year. Last year, same week, we had very few black flies. Only one location where I was filleting fish, but they still drew blood. Funny thing is, I didn't really feel the bites, just saw the aftermath. Thoughts on timing of this transition from black flies to mosquitos that has been mentioned?
missmolly 05/31/2017 10:03AM
There are lifelong Mainers who call gnats black flies. I tell them they're just gnats. They swat me away.
mastertangler 05/31/2017 08:08AM
Egknuti the flies which give you a wallop on your sandal clad feet are commonly referred to as "ankle biters" (stable fly).

If you are not familiar with the black fly plague count your lucky stars. Fortunately they don't last for to long.

I have a good no-see-um story. I used to travel via motor home and pulled into a Florida inlet at Sebastian to fish. I fished a good portion of the night away and went back to my Mobil domicile to crash. Naturally I had left the windows open and relied upon the screens for protection.

I laid down but kept itching my scalp. Irritated I decided to take a shower and get clean and then lay back down even though I was totally exhausted. Ah, finally........back to itching! I turned a light on and seen many tiny little black dots buzzing round . I watched as one landed on my arm and then seconds later a pin prick.......I had to leave the area at about 4 A.M.
egknuti 05/31/2017 06:45AM
quote VoyageurNorth: "quote RMinMN: "quote Renol: "Sounds like fun. Are they small enough to get past mosquito netting?"

No, you're thinking about noseeums. Black flies are larger."

Up here, we call the gnats (not quite as small as no-seeums) black flies. I think that is what he was referring to. The "other" black flies people talk about are the ones that are house fly sized and will be coming out more in mid-late June."

Some people call gnats, sand flies. I would not call them black flies either way. Black flies are more commonly known as biting flies. These are the ones that get you on your feet when you wear sandals. Mosquitoes were definitely out last weekend.
BnD 05/31/2017 01:50AM
Good for you! That pic is priceless. If she can take the peak of black flies and not miss a beat or complain you've gotta lifetime paddling partner there. Congrats.
BigCurrent 05/30/2017 08:36PM
Ducks, I wish I was as tough as your little one. They drove me to the brink of insanity. I knew it was bad when we were all walking in circles in the woods while eating dinner.
ducks 05/30/2017 07:49PM
Just did a Memorial Day weekend trip to Swan from Bower Trout. It was the worst I've ever seen them. Wore a head net at times for the first time ever. I was shocked that little duckling never complained once about them. The place they were the worst was the Bower Trout parking lot.
rbevars 05/30/2017 05:56PM
Got back from a weekend at Tuscarora lodge. Andy was saying they were the worst he has seen, they were so bad that they were getting inside his phone at the lodge, just wedging themselves in everything.

My question is with the early onslaught of flies when do you think they will taper off? Or will they last well into June?
BnD 05/30/2017 05:53PM
Sounds like it's time once again to unleash my Nemo Bugout for our June 4th trip. Eat, cook and relax in peace even if they're insane. Extra pack weight but worth it.
BigCurrent 05/30/2017 12:14PM
quote MikeinMpls: "Got back on Sunday from a week on Gabbro and the Kawishiwi River. Worst black flies in my 40 years of BWCA canoe tripping. I saw most of the north country through a head net.

Agreed, never seen them that bad and I have been going up in May for the last 20+ years. We were on LIS, Shell, Hustler, Oyster, Moose River. Terrible everywhere, the only respite was being on the water so it forced us to have a lot of fishing time, which was well rewarded.
MikeinMpls 05/30/2017 12:13PM
Got back on Sunday from a week on Gabbro and the Kawishiwi River. Worst black flies in my 40 years of BWCA canoe tripping. I saw most of the north country through a head net.

Grandma L 05/30/2017 10:13AM
Pretty bad this past weekend on the border - Birch and east - I got pretty good at bug net usage.
BigCurrent 05/30/2017 08:09AM
quote DontPanic: "Does dettol work well for them? I use it in Iowa on the golf course or in the woods and it works great. "

Not sure. We talked to a Forest Service memeber on our trip and he said there was no repellent that deterred them, you just have to keep your skin covered. They also are attracted to dark colored clothing.
DontPanic 05/29/2017 10:47PM
Does dettol work well for them? I use it in Iowa on the golf course or in the woods and it works great.
nctry 05/29/2017 06:37PM
Yep, they are out. My cousin was not very tolerant, it seemed the more he swatted the worse they bothered him. And me in the front of the boat, I didn't let them bother me so weren't so bad. Never head net bad for me. Even on the river back to Sandpoint.
BigCurrent 05/29/2017 06:25PM
We're back out. Worst I have ever seen and yes these are the biting black flies. Towards the end of the trip the mosquitoes were starting to come out so I assume the transition will happen shortly.
dele 05/25/2017 07:09AM
Last week and weekend, the bugs that bothered us during sunshine and low wind periods were small black insects that did not bite. They were a nuisance, but they weren't what I think of as black flies. To me, black flies means the ones that bite really hard and leave a lump of dried blood on your neck. We didn't run into any of those.
Renol 05/25/2017 06:24AM
quote VoyageurNorth: "quote RMinMN: "quote Renol: "Sounds like fun. Are they small enough to get past mosquito netting?"

No, you're thinking about noseeums. Black flies are larger."

Up here, we call the gnats (not quite as small as no-seeums) black flies. I think that is what he was referring to. The "other" black flies people talk about are the ones that are house fly sized and will be coming out more in mid-late June."

I was thinking of the biting flies that are prevalent in June. I'm coming out next week and just want to be prepared as best I can. The internet is a great resource but I had trouble finding out the size comparison between the flies and mosquitos. I guess I'll just grab a couple mosquito face nets and be prepared with deety goodness. Everything else has gotten the permethrin treatment.
VoyageurNorth 05/25/2017 04:56AM
quote RMinMN: "quote Renol: "Sounds like fun. Are they small enough to get past mosquito netting?"

No, you're thinking about noseeums. Black flies are larger."

Up here, we call the gnats (not quite as small as no-seeums) black flies. I think that is what he was referring to. The "other" black flies people talk about are the ones that are house fly sized and will be coming out more in mid-late June.
Jaywalker 05/24/2017 08:55PM
I just did 7 days on and around Knife, and every time the winds dropped down a bit the black flies popped out in force. Worst of all was at the entry point when I was packing up to leave. Was amazed to see them out bothering me and my dog with temps in the mid 40"s.
deerfoot 05/24/2017 06:41PM
Just got back from 5 days (Burnside, Coxey Pond, Cummings, Crab) and the several times it warmed into the mid 50's or more we were assaulted by them.
RMinMN 05/24/2017 04:05PM
quote Renol: "Sounds like fun. Are they small enough to get past mosquito netting?"

No, you're thinking about noseeums. Black flies are larger.
Renol 05/24/2017 12:31PM
Sounds like fun. Are they small enough to get past mosquito netting?
PuffinGin 05/24/2017 08:11AM
quote BigCurrent: "FYI, Black flies are pretty vicious right now. Staying at Fenske before heading in tomorrow. Once the sun finally came out there were terrible until about 30 minutes after sunset. "

Oh yippee! Flying mouth with teeth. Sneaky blactards! At least mosquitos buzz a warning.

For your listening enjoyment:

Is that a flying moose on the hat of the man sitting just behind Bill Staines?
BigCurrent 05/23/2017 08:22PM
FYI, Black flies are pretty vicious right now. Staying at Fenske before heading in tomorrow. Once the sun finally came out there were terrible until about 30 minutes after sunset.