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 Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
    Trip Planning Forum
       Kayak on Basswood
Date/Time: 10/31/2024 06:58PM
Kayak on Basswood

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07/07/2017 06:04PM
quote paddlinjoe: "Sounds like a good fit/use for a kayak, especially since you won't have space constraints with the other two canoes. Enjoy your trip."

This was what I was thinking as well, I cant really think of a downside to bringing a Kayak on this type of trip. Thanks for the input.
paddlinjoe 07/06/2017 10:02AM
Sounds like a good fit/use for a kayak, especially since you won't have space constraints with the other two canoes. Enjoy your trip.
The Great Outdoors 07/06/2017 07:44AM
quote IAHuntnFish: "We will be getting a tow, so I was not counting prairie portage."
Still gotta walk it unless you pay the hauling fee!
Most canoeists don't pay the fee! :)
QueticoMike 07/06/2017 07:29AM
quote The Great Outdoors: "How will you get to Basswood without portaging, or am I missing something??"

They could get towed down to Basswood over on the truck portage :) I guess that is still technically a portage though.....haha
IAHuntnFish 07/06/2017 04:56AM
We will be getting a tow, so I was not counting prairie portage.
The Great Outdoors 07/05/2017 07:58PM
How will you get to Basswood without portaging, or am I missing something??
IAHuntnFish 07/05/2017 06:33PM
In the process of planning a basswood trip to target mainly smallmouth. Just wondering if there were any opinions, for or against, the kayak idea since there would be no portages. I would be the only kayak with two other canoes, so the storage issue wouldn't be a big deal that I can see. At this point I can't really think of a reason not to, but would love to here any experiences either way. Thanks in advance.