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       Quick Lake One Question
Date/Time: 09/27/2024 09:30AM
Quick Lake One Question

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OldTripper 03/14/2018 04:43PM
billconner: "I've only gone to north east by lodge if going to lake one - even last October. No problem."
Most of my trips are late Sept or October and we never had a problem taking the northeast route.
sylvesterii 03/14/2018 02:02PM
Thanks all!
jdevries 03/13/2018 02:48PM
I put both routes into Google Earth at one point, the west route was a bit longer of a paddle to the Lake 1/2 portage plus you had the three portages. Go EAST young man, never had an issue with water levels.

schweady 03/12/2018 06:39PM
We usually "looped" this one if we headed back out through that same EP guiding our youth trips. Good navigational challenge for the kids in the 'Confusion' part on Day One and a little longer -- but just different -- to go around the NE route on the way home.
billconner 03/12/2018 05:45PM
I've only gone to north east by lodge if going to lake one - even last October. No problem.
ozarkpaddler 03/12/2018 05:24PM
In August the channel had plenty of water the year we were there. I "Second" asking Kawishiwi lodge. You may even ask about starting there if you need to rent a canoe or some gear. If thou take the other route, the portages are pretty benign and it's a pretty area. If it's very windy, I'd actually prefer heading that way.
andym 03/12/2018 03:52PM
I've always paddled to the northeast, past Kawishiwi Lodge enroute to the main body of Lake One. I've never had to portage before the main body of Lake One, even in September.
HighnDry 03/12/2018 03:40PM
I have traveled in that way in August and only found that I had to take care to dodge submerged rocks that were not there in June of the same year. However, if it's been a dry summer up there, it wouldn't hurt to get in touch with the outfitter (Kawishiwi Lodge) and the forest service office in Ely to check conditions. The other portages will give you an option if you find the northeastern passage low. There is also a quicker short portage into the other water channel that you are trying to reach. It's close to the entrance to that narrow channel you are looking at and sits on the eastern shoreline but is usually hidden by reeds and swampgrass. So, it can be hard to find.
sylvesterii 03/12/2018 02:49PM
We are taking a trip to Insula the first week of August, putting in at Lake One. In reviewing the maps, right after entering Lake One from the landing, it actually looks like it makes sense to paddle through the narrow channel northeast, rather than heading southwest to save 3 tiny portages. Do we need to be concerned about water level to go the north route, or would it be open even with relatively low water?