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 Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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       Closest Entry Point from the Twin Cities
Date/Time: 10/31/2024 07:09PM
Closest Entry Point from the Twin Cities

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flopnfolds 05/10/2018 06:53AM
I would say Crab Lake (south of Ely) would be significantly shorter than the rest, followed by Sawbill (Northshore). Or maybe the Little Indian Sioux. The Echo Trail is much straighter near the Cook end than the Ely side.

Crab Lake you have to paddle or tow through Burntside (its pretty short tow). with a longish but pretty easy portage. But depending upon how old your kid is, Sawbill gives you the closest option with amenity type stuff if you need to bail quickly.
Savage Voyageur 05/09/2018 08:40PM
That would probably be one off the Sawbill Trail.
Atb 05/09/2018 03:52PM
here's an can access the west end of the echo trail from 53/Cook. You can pick up your permit from the Ranger Station right off 53.
icefishbaby 05/09/2018 03:03PM
I would think picking a nice lake/route is more important than saving a 1/2 hour in driving. Just my take.
inspector13 05/09/2018 03:00PM

EPs 32 South Kawishiwi, 33 Little Gabbro, and 84 Snake River are closest if you take Hwy 2 out of Two Harbors to Hwy 1. But you would have to pick up your permit in Duluth or you would be backtracking from Ely.

TominMpls 05/09/2018 02:04PM
Any of the entries close to Ely or close to the start of the Gunflint will be similar, but I bet the Tofte entries (37, 38) are the quickest. Most of the drive is getting north, and as long as you aren't going up the Echo or Gunflint trails too far I don't think there's much difference.
AmarilloJim 05/09/2018 01:37PM
This will show you exactly how far you are from any EP.
CanoeViking 05/09/2018 01:19PM
Good afternoon,

My little one is finally old enough to go canoeing and we were hoping to go to the BWCA as much as possible this year. I live just north of the twin cities near Forest Lake. We were wondering what’s the closest EP from the cities?
