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       Newbie, more EP 16 loop advice
Date/Time: 09/20/2024 07:21PM
Newbie, more EP 16 loop advice

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krole 07/30/2018 02:39PM
Thanks guys, changed the planned route based on your input.
Jaywalker 07/30/2018 01:59PM
TominMpls: "I don't even remember there being a rapids where you marked - my daughter doesn't like to run rapids and we paddled right through there no issue. My guess is that Jaywalker was talking about going across the first short portage, then following the river through the bend to the southeast and back up into Boulder Bay; the rapids he's talking about is probably the one that happens on the bend after the little portage."

Yep - that is exactly what I meant. I do not even recall anything like rapids where the red circle is. I meant the place marked east and south or your circle, where the river goes from narrow to wide.
deadriver 07/30/2018 01:23PM
krole: "I changed the route to go over those two small portages coming out of Agnes.

Oyster "River" looks interesting, I'll call a few outfitters before we head out on current status. Is the entire length like that or just after the portage?"

Oyster River is wider than pictured until you get to the portage that goes to Agnes. That's where it narrows.

Unless water levels are unseasonably low, I'd say it should be passable.
krole 07/30/2018 01:16PM
I changed the route to go over those two small portages coming out of Agnes.

Oyster "River" looks interesting, I'll call a few outfitters before we head out on current status. Is the entire length like that or just after the portage?
Atrain 07/30/2018 12:04PM
krole: "Our last planned day of the 5 days is a Friday, don't have to back to Milwaukee until Monday, so we can easily do another day if needed. Even headed out early Sunday morning isn't a huge deal for us, or even having to turn back at LLC. We have all of our own gear so don't need to return anything.

Jaywalker: "That last marked "rapids" before LLC was really just a fast water chute with about a 12 inch drop. "

Are you referring to the rapids at the red oval I have marked?

And thanks for that other tip, I updated the route to go that way so I remember that. I just had a general direction route that I had put in.

Some great advice from everyone, thanks! I'll take a look at some of the trip reports for EP 16 as well."

I was just there at the beginning of the month. There is nothing there to note. Even if you had to line or portage along shore it's better than the long muddy swampy portage out of Agnes.
deadriver 07/30/2018 11:39AM
Here is a picture of the Oyster "River" in August 2017.
TominMpls 07/30/2018 11:26AM
I don't even remember there being a rapids where you marked - my daughter doesn't like to run rapids and we paddled right through there no issue. My guess is that Jaywalker was talking about going across the first short portage, then following the river through the bend to the southeast and back up into Boulder Bay; the rapids he's talking about is probably the one that happens on the bend after the little portage.
deadriver 07/30/2018 11:19AM
I wouldn't worry about the first marked rapids there. I don't remember it being an issue. People take that route all the time.

If you're ever worried about rapids or rocks in a narrow passage, just pull to shore and portage it.
krole 07/30/2018 10:46AM
Our last planned day of the 5 days is a Friday, don't have to back to Milwaukee until Monday, so we can easily do another day if needed. Even headed out early Sunday morning isn't a huge deal for us, or even having to turn back at LLC. We have all of our own gear so don't need to return anything.

Jaywalker: "That last marked "rapids" before LLC was really just a fast water chute with about a 12 inch drop. "

Are you referring to the rapids at the red oval I have marked?

And thanks for that other tip, I updated the route to go that way so I remember that. I just had a general direction route that I had put in.

Some great advice from everyone, thanks! I'll take a look at some of the trip reports for EP 16 as well.
Jaywalker 07/30/2018 08:29AM
This is a great route and you will find a number of trip reports on it. Good advice above, two which I'll add my $0.02.

Everyone seems to have a different option on the Agnes to LLC route. When I went two years ago, I did the short portage by the rapids (which I seem to recall were real rapids), then paddled the Boulder River all the way into LLC. I prefer paddling to portaging, and found it a really interesting and unusual area. Yes, there are some boulders to dodge, but that was fun - at least when there is good water levels. That last marked "rapids" before LLC was really just a fast water chute with about a 12 inch drop. I stopped on a large flat rock in the middle right next to it and sized it up, thought it was no big deal, and ran it easily. IF you don't like the looks, you can always lift over or line through.

One word of caution; 5 days is doable but doesn't leave a lot of spare time. If a September wind comes up it could be a bit of a challenge, especially on LLC. I had a pretty strong SSW wind, so hugged the south shore of LLC over to the river. You can see where my orange line breaks there is a small land mass. When I was there this was just a shallows - 6 inches - and I easily stepped out and guided the boat through without dragging bottom, then paddled on. Even if water is low, I'd prefer to lift over here and avoid the big open water in such a wind.

Oh, and welcome to!
deadriver 07/29/2018 06:43PM
Welcome krole! I did this same loop a few years ago, and it remains one of my favorite trips.

1) Five days is doable, but I wouldn't do any less. The more time out in the BWCA the better, of course. If it were me, I would take 6-7 days because I like taking my time.

I agree, take the 2 small portages into LLC instead of the big one.

2) Call an outfitter like Piragis and ask them about Oyster River. I've done Oyster River twice in August. I'd imagine it's fine. However, even when water levels are normal, it's not a "river". It's more like a bog with beaver paths. I think it's really fun to do, but it is a little cumbersome. Some of the paths are so narrow that you are pushing your paddle off of the bog instead of the water. I'd say try it, you can always turn back to the portage!

3) I would consider staying on Gebeonequat for a night. (disclaimer: I didn't go to Pocket). Gebe is IMO a more interesting lake than Oyster. Great small mouth fishing. Be sure to at least paddle by the camp site on the West end of Gebe, and take a look. There's a strange surprise waiting on the hill.

If you do stay on Oyster, try for the first camp site on your left. The one that's on the narrowest part of the peninsula. It's a very cool site with water access on two sides.

Oyster also has lake trout - I've heard. I don't know much about lake trout fishing but it is a LT destination.

BTW be prepared to run into several beaver dams in the creek going into Gebe. We had to get out of the canoes and pull them up and over about 10 dams.

4) Be sure to check out the pictographs on LLC. They are on the Canada side, on Warrior Hill.

But be careful of big waves and wind on LLC. Wear your life jackets!
krole 07/29/2018 08:36AM
Thanks for the replies.

Any ideas on the current water levels?

Oyster River - I read that dry years and later in the year lower part might not be passable which is why I had the route planned bypassing it.

Agnes to Boulder Bay - map shows there is a rapids before the first of the two portages. Is that accurate? Or is it overselling it? Or is the portage in the wrong spot? Book said longer portage is recommended in lower water levels.

Will keep both of those options open.

Will look more into that lookout.
cyclones30 07/29/2018 12:31AM
Solid choice. You shouldn't have the crowds at that time compared to right now. Spending night 1 on Agnes is a good goal.

One stop you can make either on your way in or out is a "lookout" on the east side of the river. Check the maps page here for others' pictures. I'd say it's near where your map says "route" on the first river stretch after those couple first portages and the contour lines are close together near the river. Small little pull-off spot off the river and then hike your way up for some nice views up and down the valley.

TominMpls 07/28/2018 11:45PM
I hadn't noticed that detail; we did the two portages, and they were both easy.
HighnDry 07/28/2018 05:22PM
One change I'd suggest is that if you head north through Agnes, use the two shorter portages to Boulder Bay (LLC). I did the flat portage from Agnes into what I think is Boulder River there. I took the two shorter portages on the way back out last fall. They were much easier. The one long portage at the north end terminates in a swamp with a fairly solid, muddy trail about 10 rods (30 feet or so?) through swamp grass down to the put-in. Don't step left or right at that point, you'll go into your knees in muck, worse in wetter weather. The portage itself was fine with only a couple of mud patches as I recall but a longer haul than the two shorter trails. The two portages also put you right into Boulder Bay and actually save a bit of time -- just a thought.
TominMpls 07/28/2018 09:03AM
Oh and the Fisher map is handy because the whole loop fits on one map, but I like McKenzie better personally. It's maps 12 and 13.
TominMpls 07/28/2018 08:39AM
This is exactly the loop my daughter and I planned for our big 2017 trip. You can click on the little notebook thing under my name to read my trip report.

It's a great loop, very doable in five days. We took seven and had a camp day, plus a couple really short, easy paddle days.

Two changes we made en route:
We went all the way down the Oyster River, skipping the portage to Agnes. Sometimes it's possible, sometimes it's not, but if you can get down it, it's really pretty and full of wildlife. You'll feel like you're completely secluded even though you're close to a popular lake.

We decided to head back through Nina Moose and skip Ramshead. A lot of people report Ramshead being shallow and muddy, and the portage to it looked swampy so we decided to go back the way we came.

It's a great loop, enjoy!
krole 07/28/2018 07:39AM

New to BWCA. We've done canoe basecamping and backpacking before however. Link above is what we have planned so far. We plan on going week of September 10th. Got the route from Boundary Waters Canoe Area: Western Region book by Robert Beymer and Louis Dzierzak. The book says it would take 5 days, is this accurate?

Please tell my why this route is a terrible idea and what we should do instead. Or are there any gotchas along this route? Specific things we should plan for? Things we should try and find\see?

What maps should we take for this route? They listed Fisher F-16, anyone know the other maps that would cover this area off hand?