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 Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
    Trip Planning Forum
       Three days leaving for Ely, then Snowbank Saturday……
Date/Time: 09/25/2024 11:25PM
Three days leaving for Ely, then Snowbank Saturday……

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kensofe 05/17/2022 08:23AM
Hey Howard, yeah I’m aware John and Lynn sold it. But I’m pretty sure I will still get to see them is my understanding

I’m hoping that you and your daughter are getting out kayaking often
HowardSprague 05/17/2022 08:19AM
That's great Ken, hope you have an excellent trip!
John & Lynn sold VNO but I understand John will still be there working, so should be a good transition.
I know there's a laker or two waiting for you!
Paddle4Hike 05/16/2022 09:06PM
I can’t comment on the fishing with any level of expertise, and am too new to both this forum and the BWCAW to offer “advice”. However, I will provide some observations of my Solo trips to the BW which started in 2016.
I have always entered at Snowbank. I have not focused on fishing. I have always tripped solo. I have found IMA to be an achievable destination upon entry from Snowbank. I have found Thomas to be a challenging destination upon entry from Snowbank, for night one.

I would struggle to answer the question “Which lake do you prefer, IMA or Thomas.” They are both beautiful, rocky, deep, and blessed with miles of winding shoreline. My personal choice for a camping perspective would be to choose Thomas.

In fact, I would select one of the camp sights nearest to the Narrows into Frazier. They are both great campsights, offering raised elevations or great swimming, in addition to the easy access into Frazier. You can easily paddle all of Thomas and Frazier, but can day trip back to Ima or other amazing lakes within a reasonable days travel.

kensofe 05/16/2022 07:01PM
Hey Pete, I think of you and wonder occasionally….is Debbie well and keeping you relatively under control?

Doing any officiating? I gave everything up but basketball, I’m too busy when the weather is nice, but I did 97 varsity and frosh soph basketball games last year. I can still run with teenagers

Take care my friend. Ken
Jackfish 05/16/2022 03:11PM
Good to see you posting again, Ken... and especially because you'll be taking a trip soon! Looking forward to a trip report when you're back. Safe travels, my friend!

papalambeau 05/16/2022 02:48PM
Blessings on your trip Ken. If you are going to be on Ima I would recommend checking out Alworth for a day trip. We have had some good fishing on Alworth for walleye and northern and had our best moose encounter with a big bull. A very extra wild feel to this lake.

God bless and stay safe.
kensofe 05/16/2022 12:10PM
Hello all, I have occasionally checked in here, however have not posted in a long time. Some of you may recall when I was more active, of course some crazy things going on last couple years. Isn’t life something?!!!! Wow.

Regardless, nice to see some things coming back and returning to normal. I am leaving Thursday for Ely. I have a permit to enter Snowbank on Saturday, I’m going solo and I plan to base camp on either Thomas or Ima lake and fish, explore, and any combination of those two. And enjoy myself, and my goal is to catch a lot of fish, especially a lake trout. I have never caught a lake trout before, and I definitely plan to on this trip. It will be fabulous to be there again, it’s been four years, and I was in Quetico at that time as my last couple trips have been……

I hope to leave Thursday, will be using Voyageur North outfitters, and plan to spend Friday poking around Ely before my trip starts on Saturday. Perhaps I will post a trip report when I get back, I know I will if I catch a lot of fish and have those documented. I’ll be showing that off for sure!!

Hope all are well here, and relative to some of the comments in another forum here, I am planning to wear pants that I bought from kanoes…..he will be visiting with me in thought.

Take care all, blessings and joy to you. Ken aka kensofe