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       Kawishiwi Lake to Malberg
Date/Time: 09/26/2024 01:07PM
Kawishiwi Lake to Malberg

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arputzke 06/11/2023 09:51AM
Any info on the river from Baskatong to Polly? Is it passable?
Edit: just read the replay of the posts. Pretty sure I've got my answer. :-)
lindylair 06/03/2023 05:41AM
It's a great route, heading that way myself again in September. Here is a trip report from a July 2015 trip which shows some of the things talked about in previous posts, like how open the portages are due to burned over areas. They will have grownup somewhat in the last 8 years though.

For us it was 4 hours to Polly and 3 more to Malberg but we made it in one day and got a nice campsite. The next lake past Malberg is River Lake and is very nice, scenic, good campsites and good fishing. Also Amber Lake is quiet with good fishing and an amazing campsite. If you want to explore a bit after a couple days on Malberg it wouldn't be a bad way to go. BTW, Polly is a gorgeous lake but popular and a great spot to spend a last night on the way out for an easy 4 hour paddle to the EP.

Have a great trip.

Kawishiwi to Malberg and beyond
Hammertime 06/02/2023 11:58PM
We made it to malberg in 6-7 hours double portaging one year.

Had better fishing on adjacent lakes but the sites on malberg are top notch.

Have fun!!!
Frenchy19 06/02/2023 08:49PM
You can get to Malberg from ep 37. To Polly it takes me about 3 hours double portaging solo, and an additional 2 to Malberg. Just left that area today. I made it from Fishdance to EP 37 in one loooong day, so you can do the Polly/Malberg trek.
AlexanderSupertramp 05/31/2023 02:11PM
scat: " There is nothing particularly challenging about any of these portages, one kind of long one maybe, but it's on a good trail. You can make it to Malberg in one day no prob, or make a pit stop on Polly."

Agreed, I launched at 8:30am and with a 20 minute lunch stop on Polly we still made it to Malberg by 4pm and that's with casual paddling and double portaging. I regretted pushing it all the way though and I got stuck with a less-than-desirable site and had to set up camp in the rain. I generally like to start early and be done paddling early, I broke my own rule this time and should have stayed on Polly the first night.

scat 05/31/2023 01:35PM
Just go for it, there is no sense stressing about the portages, they aren't going away. There is nothing particularly challenging about any of these portages, one kind of long one maybe, but it's on a good trail. You can make it to Malberg in one day no prob, or make a pit stop on Polly. I assume you will be taking a map, all the info is on there of course. I remember finding the portage out of Polly took a few tries one trip, so a map and a compass is essential.

It is a nice area, have fun!
boonie 05/31/2023 12:46PM
Yes, Townline separates the 2 portages from Kawasachong to Polly. It's a very short paddle and essentially no rest between the 2 portages which total about 3/4-mile.

I thought about adding "don't try to take the river" - I guess I should have :) You can look at it on satellite view. I looked at it from the Polly side a couple of years ago but didn't go far - maybe a quarter-mile. Which included 3 beaver dams, blowdown from the burn, a small rock gorge surrounded by low growth hiding ankle breaking holes.
boonie 05/31/2023 12:42PM
Yes, Townline separates the 2 portages from Kawasachong to Polly. It's a very short paddle and essentially no rest between the 2 portages which total about 3/4-mile.

I thought about adding "don't try to take the river" - I guess I should have :) You can look at it on satellite view. I looked at it from the Polly side a couple of years ago but didn't go far - maybe a quarter-mile. Which included 3 beaver dams, blowdown from the burn, a small rock gorge surrounded by low growth hiding ankle breaking holes.
Cc26 05/31/2023 11:48AM
As others have suggested, use the maps feature - it's a great tool of knowledge. I usually know where certain trees and rocks are by the time I get to a campsite haha
A1t2o 05/31/2023 11:10AM
Fearlessleader: "As far as taking the river to avoid the portages, I would not recommend you try it. Everyone who I’ve read about who tried it said it was nearly impossible and at best would be far harder and time consuming than taking the portages. They are not too difficult and are there for a reason. "

This is something I've looked into as well. Trust me, you are better off taking the portage. If portaging sucks so bad that you are looking at taking streams to skip one or two, then you are probably portaging wrong. I know I was. Portaging isn't supposed to hurt.
IdealTarHeel 05/31/2023 10:44AM
Thank you very much

I truly appreciate your help

Fearlessleader 05/31/2023 10:10AM
Townline is the small pond that splits the portage between Kawasachong and Polly.

As far as taking the river to avoid the portages, I would not recommend you try it. Everyone who I’ve read about who tried it said it was nearly impossible and at best would be far harder and time consuming than taking the portages. They are not too difficult and are there for a reason.
IdealTarHeel 05/31/2023 10:00AM
Where is Townline Lake?

I cannot seem to spot it on the maps I am looking at.
IdealTarHeel 05/31/2023 09:39AM
Thanks for the advise on looking at maps. I will do that

As I was looking at the map link, I did see what looked like we could take the Kawishiwi river out of Kawasachong Lake and bypass two portages on our way to Lake Polly.

Is that correct?

The reason I ask is that it looks like there is a marsh area along that route and I have know way of knowing if canoes can get through.

Again any help will be awesome.
fadersup 05/31/2023 08:38AM
I’ll emphasize the lack of shade on portages when it’s hot, not much cover the whole way so stay hydrated and hatted. Malberg is worth the effort.
AlexanderSupertramp 05/31/2023 07:28AM
Just did this route on Tuesday. The three long portages aren't all that strenuous though on a hot day I could see them being a bit cumbersome because there's not a lot of canopy cover, highly recommend a good hat. The last long portage into Koma has a very large downed tree midway through and there's no way around it or over/under it whilst carrying your pack or canoe, so unless the forest service removes that before your trip, be prepared to set all your gear down while you navigate that. I think the section from Polly to Malberg is the most tedious of the route, because after you exit Polly you can pretty much throw a rock to the next two portage landings, so by the time you get onto Malberg you're pretty happy to not have to unload your gear again for a while.

I think the water is going to remain high for some time longer so a few of the landings are going to be a bit tricky with lack of space to step out and/or place your canoe.

It was my first time in that area and I really enjoyed paddling the river sections, even with the beaver dams.
boonie 05/30/2023 02:47PM
here's a link to Kawishiwi EP map from the Maps & EP's at top of page. Scroll north from there, click on yellow portages for more info.

Like cburton said and a couple of extra points :

You'll likely be able to skip the two short portages on the river after Square due to higher water levels from the massive beaver dam just before Kawasachong, so don't take those. You'll likely have a couple of small beaver dam pullovers. The one just before Kawasachong will require going around one side or the other.

The two portages between Kawasachong and Kawishiwi are the longest and are separated by Townline Lake which is only a couple of minutes paddle, so almost like one portage. Some elevation gain but good tread, not easy but not hard. North landing on Townline can be slightly awkward sometimes.

TuscaroraBorealis 05/30/2023 02:47PM
Scroll around in the maps section. Click on the yellow lines or red dots for more info.
cburton103 05/30/2023 02:01PM
I guess you don't like maps as much as I do :)

1) Kawishiwi, Square, Kawasachong, Polly, Koma, Malberg. A few no name ponds as well.

2-3) 8 portages, two around 100 rods, one closer to 200 rods. I don't recall any of the portages being memorable as far as difficulty goes. 200 rods is a decent length portage though, so your shoulders will be tired.

Nice route. Polly and Malberg are particularly interesting with varied shapes and islands to keep things interesting.
IdealTarHeel 05/30/2023 12:34PM
My son and I are hitting Kawishiwi Lake (OP 37) headed to Malberg.

Was wondering if anyone out there can tell me
1) What lakes we will be on
2) About how long the portages are
3) How many portages there are

This will be our 10th year at the BWCA but never in this area.
Any and all help will be GREATLY appreciated.