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       Voyageurs to BWCA to Isle Royale
Date/Time: 09/28/2024 06:45PM
Voyageurs to BWCA to Isle Royale

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lundojam 06/21/2023 08:38AM
Any of the outfitters on the site here would be great.
What kind of trip are you thinking of? Each place offers a wide range of experiences. If you want to do all three, here's what I would recommend:

1. Three days, two nights in VNP on a houseboat. houseboat

2. Three days, two nights in the BWCA on the Gunflint side. paddle
While you are in the neighborhood, get a grilled cheese and a chocolate shake at Trail Center. Kids will love it.

3. One night, two days on Isle Royal. Book the ferry. Do day hikes.
Stop in Grand Marais and get a donut at World's Best Donuts.

That is a lot, a big trip for sure. I'd be surprised, frankly, if anybody on the board has ever done all three in one shot. You could totally do it, though. the ferry trip is a big part of any Isle royale adventure, but you could save a bunch of time here: air to Isle royale
Good luck!
Pacers31Colts18 06/21/2023 06:26AM
Probably makes total sense to cut one out. Any recommendations for outfitters in Ely? Google Searches tend to lead me down the same path, but I'd like to hear from some experienced people that have used different outfitters on their experiences. My 12 year old daughter has talked about the BWCA for a couple years now, so I want it to be a great experience for her.
ISRO 06/21/2023 04:23AM
IMO not doable while still having fun. This trip would not do the three areas justice. Pick two and split the trip up at a minimum.

Having spent considerable time on IR and in the BW these are two different levels of trips as far as distance and routes you choose. Age of kids and fitness level of the group would determine how far you can go in a set amount of time especially on IR.

I would start on IR when you are the most rested then the BW will seem like a cake walk when you get there and wind down on a nice looped canoe trip.

YardstickAngler 06/20/2023 08:30PM
I like to push pretty hard but cramming these three into ten days, especially with kids, sounds painful. Ten days might be just a bit long for only one of them, but I think BWCA for ten days could be pretty doable even for first timer with kids. Combine a cabin/lodge stay for 4 days with an introductory BWCA trip.

I’m not as familiar with Voyageurs or Isle Royale, but the BWCA (and its Canadian neighbor Quetico) offers enough exploration for a lifetime of memories. It’s not a place one can just “do” once and say “I saw all there was to see there.” Though coming just once is way better than never!
Subsistencer 06/20/2023 03:18PM
Do you have your ferry tickets to Isle Royale? The ferrys are booked.

Could reach Voyagers and BWCA from Crane Lake.
sedges 06/20/2023 02:58PM
A lot to do in 10 days. There will be considerable travel from Voyageur past the BWCA( with a short visit along the way) to Grand Portage where you get the ferry to Isle Royale. Getting permit reservations for all three would take some serious planning as well. Certain attainable, but it would be very rushed.

You might enjoy 7-10 days in just one of those places and settle in and skip the fast-paced transitions. At least narrow it to two places. A 4 day canoe trip in the BWCA off the Gunflint Trail and 4 days backpacking on Isle Royale with a day in between in Grand Marais.
OHPaddler 06/20/2023 11:51AM
I'm guessing you mean you are going to drive to voyageurs, stay for a few days, then move on to the BWCA and stay for a few days, etc.

Regarding the BWCA - I'd find a good outfitter in or around Ely. There are several. Share your travel dates, group composition and level of experience with backcountry travel. They should be able to help you to identify and reserve an open permit, help you plan a route (likely an short, but beautiful, out and back) and outfit you with almost everything you need.

woodsandwater 06/20/2023 11:17AM
I'm not clear on your trip plans. Are you proposing to PADDLE to Isle Royale? Or take the ferry? I would not advise paddling across Lake Superior.
Pacers31Colts18 06/20/2023 08:12AM
Hey everyone,

I'm knee deep in research, but want to reach out to the experts here for help.

I'm planning a trip in September to Voyaguers, BWCA, and Isle Royale. 7-10 day trip, 2 adults + 2 kids. Looking to start our journey at Voyageurs for 3-4 days, then head to BWCA for 2-3 days, and then finishing up at Isle Royale.

I'm finding the whole process to be very confusing. Looking at camping at Voyaguers, renting a pontoon, and then getting canoes out and about the back waters. My confusion lies on what makes the most sense to then get to BWCA.

Has anyone done this sort of trip before (I'm sure i'm not the only one), that can help me plan this out? Any recomendations?