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       Spice Lake Fire Closure Area
Date/Time: 09/22/2024 01:13PM
Spice Lake Fire Closure Area

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straighthairedcurly 06/25/2023 01:11AM
Note that many entry sites still have the old map posted as of today. Might take a little time to get them updated.
cowdoc 06/22/2023 07:23AM
schweady 06/21/2023 04:43PM
cowdoc: "Is there a new map of closure area?"
09-09-23-04_Exhibit B_BWCAW Fire Closure Area Map.pdf

Basically, it's now just Ogishkemuncie and a handful of small lakes one portage away.
cowdoc 06/21/2023 03:57PM
Is there a new map of closure area?
schweady 06/21/2023 02:17PM
Fire is now 100% contained. Closure area has been greatly reduced (6 lakes, 13 campsites... down from the 80 campsites originally closed). Forest will reinstate the remaining quotas to the system that was withheld thru July 7. Fire ban remains in effect. C'mon, rain.
adam 06/19/2023 07:31AM
The FS starting 6/16 is closing a good-sized portion of the BWCA from travel. They have not canceled any permits yet, but stay tuned as this could change. This could change if the fire grows or campsite availability appears an issue. As of yesterday, the fire does not appear to be growing fast so let's hope the firefighting crews can knock this out and mother nature comes in with some surprise rain on Sunday. The next significant forecasted rainfall is at the end of next week.

"Duluth, Minn., June 13, 2023—Due to the Spice Lake Wildfire on the Superior National Forest (SNF), Forest Supervisor Tom Hall is closing a portion of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCAW) with an Emergency Forest Order - effective June 16 – prohibiting visitor entry at specific campsites, portages and lakes, and Pristine Management Areas (Forest Order 09-09-23-03#). The restrictions will go into effect beginning Friday morning (12:01) a.m., June 16, 2023; see Exhibit A of the Forest Order for a map of the area. The closure may be modified or extended as conditions allow.
The Forest Order closures include:

All trails, portages, rivers, and lakes within the closure area (see in Exhibit A), including but not limited to 47 locations as noted.
All zones of the of the Pitfall Pristine Management Area (1 through 3), and the Mugwump Pristine Management Area (1 through 5).
The Kekekabic Trail- the area from the BWCAW boundary west of the Gunflint Trail to the series of portages between Thomas Lake and Ima Lake (see Exhibit A).

The Forest Service has notified permit holders and outfitters and is encouraging permit holders to seek an alternate area of the BWCAW or consider non-wilderness areas of the SNF (see below) for similar experiences. At this time overnight paddle, day use and motorized day use is not permitted in the closure area."

FAQ about the Spice Lake Closure