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 Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
    Trip Planning Forum
       Solo trip planning
Date/Time: 09/27/2024 06:12PM
Solo trip planning

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straighthairedcurly 06/25/2023 01:21AM
Try a Kawishiwi Lake entry. You have options as to how far you want to travel from the entry point. I just came through there today and it was not crowded at all between the EP and Malberg. I also recommend joining the solo forum. That is where I learned enough to start doing solos a few years ago. Just returned from a "travel hard and fast 4 night solo starting at Hog Creek and ending at Kawishiwi Lake...not a route I would recommend for your first time, though.

Everyone is different, but for me the key to an enjoyable solo is to travel as simply as possible. It makes the portaging more enjoyable if you travel light. It makes packing up and moving camp to explore new areas more enjoyable if you keep your items just limited to what you need plus 1-2 "luxury items" (for me a book and a camera).
boonie 06/24/2023 07:17AM
First, join the "Solo Tripping" forum (see more groups at the bottom of the page).

Second, when is the trip - this year or next year?

Little Gabbro is a good recommendation, but if you are going this year there is a permit available for entry tomorrow or Wednesday, Otherwise you'll have to wait until someone cancels one. The same thing is true for a lot of entries.
brulu 06/24/2023 07:12AM
What about 4-8 portages of a quarter mile or less? Same total amount of portage distance with more paddling in between, and the opportunity to see a little more.
billconner 06/24/2023 05:48AM
sounds like first solo and base camping. Little Gabbro entry and camp on Bald Eagle. Lots of day trip options. Clearwater loop and Isabella River are great day trips.

But nearly any entry which isn't long to first put in would probably be great.
aengelsr 06/23/2023 10:27PM
I am trying to plan a trip for 4/5 days, I am planning on going solo. I’m not quite sure really where to go, I would be fine with 1 or 2 portages under a mile or so, I have been to the BWCA before but in a group and I wasn’t the one who planned it.

Any recommendations would be awesome!