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       Kawishiwi river in May
Date/Time: 09/27/2024 12:52PM
Kawishiwi river in May

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TuscaroraBorealis 01/15/2024 08:24AM
RedLakePaddler: "Merlyn
You can check the Kawishiwi water levels at
I would add a link if I knew how to on my IPad.
Carl "

RedLakePaddler 01/14/2024 09:35PM
You can check the Kawishiwi water levels at
I would add a link if I knew how to on my IPad.
LindenTree 01/14/2024 04:17PM
wxce1260: "The only three spots of current are the first 5 or so rod portage after the EP, which can get a bit swift when the water is high but there is a portage that is easy, though could be a little trickier in higher water if it is under water"

I camped at that campsite and was going to echo what you said of that rapids and portage, but I didn't know how to word it.
wxce1260 01/14/2024 04:01PM
The only three spots of current are the first 5 or so rod portage after the EP, which can get a bit swift when the water is high but there is a portage that is easy, though could be a little trickier in higher water if it is under water. The other is downstream from the North Kawishiwi EP nearer Clear Lake. But again, there is a portage even when there is low water which is easy to hit. The last one is by the "Hilton" campsite, nearer to the portage into little Gabbro. That can also get swift in high water, and that one is a bit trickier, especially if you are going upstream and the water is high. The simple solution if you can't paddle up it is to portage across that campsite. It is not easy, because there is no easy drop in point up stream of that current. I have never had a problem paddling up through the little rapids, but have seen others struggle. But no worries normally, even there if it is even close to an average snowmelt/rain season.
merlyn 01/12/2024 05:21PM
Thanks! I had a permit for Crossbay in 22 but was concerned about ice on the lakes so I changed it to a later date for Lizz. Probably saved myself a ton of grief. I snagged the last open site on Horseshoe close to the Brule River (sorry again Mikeinmlps) campsite was flooded about 50% with 6 inches of running water between me and the bivy. I got too close to where the river meets the lake and had pull the canoe along the flooded shoreline by bushes and tree branches, way too much current to paddle that close to the river. Very scary!! Not something I ever wish to repeat. I didn't think Kawishiwi would be a problem but I didn't think Crossbay or Horseshoe would be either
Kawishiwi looks like a good choice for my spring trip.
Speckled 01/12/2024 05:10PM
You're fine - kawishiwi is big, hard to notice the current. Further up where it narrows there will be some current, but most springs it's just up a foot or so, nothing like a couple years ago.
Jakthund 01/12/2024 11:29AM
I have not been on the South Kawishiwi in high water, but we did go into Insula that spring. I think that was an unusual year. I've been going in May almost every year for close to 30 years and never saw anything like the water levels that year.
In general, the current wasn't much stronger than normal. The main issue was the portages being flooded and the landings required some extra caution. A lot of campsites were also flooded.
I wouldn't sweat it or let it affect your planning, the odds of another year like that are not large.
LindenTree 01/11/2024 04:03PM
I have only done few miles of it north of EP 32 in a prolonged dry summer/fall.
I'm sure others can chime in but that river is very wide especially at EP 32, I would guess the only issue would be the rapids area's may be rushing and high.

Here are your yearly water levels Kawishiwi River.
merlyn 01/11/2024 02:25PM
I'm a little concerned about traveling the South Kawishiwi River this spring if conditions are similar to May 2022. As I understand it, the current on the Kawishiwi is negligible most of the time.

Did anyone experience any problems on the Kawashiwi with fast current and high water that May? After heavy rain?
