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 Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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       Lookout on Knife Lake?
Date/Time: 09/27/2024 03:27PM
Lookout on Knife Lake?

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TallMatt 06/03/2013 07:34AM

Here is a pic taken from Thunder Point during the fall, not sure if it does it justice, but it's a great spot to stop for lunch
Canoodler 06/03/2013 01:28AM
Thanks, Tuscarora and Kevlar. I am interested in the flint rocks that are unique to this area, so the climb to the top of Thunder Point will satisfy both desires. I enjoyed your trip report, Tuscarora. We will be going in a couple of months and hope to find much drier conditions!

I notice at Big Knife Portage on the Canadian side, there is a shorter portage on the American side. Is this option only used in lower water times?
Kevlar 06/02/2013 09:52PM
As you paddle NE at Thunder Point, aim right at the middle of the point. You'll find a gravel beach and the trail starts there. The Indians used to quarry rock from T.Point to make arrowheads, knives, etc and it was a trade item.
TuscaroraBorealis 06/02/2013 08:10PM
Very definable trail.

Check out 'Cool spots in canoe country forum'. Thunder Point
kanoes 06/02/2013 07:06PM
quote h20: "I've been there. Is Thunder Point In Canada or US?"
h20 06/02/2013 06:59PM
I've been there. Is Thunder Point In Canada or US?
WhiteWolf 06/02/2013 05:21PM
quote pswith5: "Lalalalalalala- in the sun with her dress undone..... Good Bye Thunder Island. (Relax ladies it's just a lyric from a old 70's song.)"

me and my buddies favorite (in the sticks)

Jay Ferguson - Thunder Island
Canoodler 06/02/2013 02:25PM
Thunder Point looks like a good bet, about 160 feet above the surface of the lake. Impressive. I might guess that a trail from the campsite on the NW corner of the Island exists.
pswith5 06/02/2013 01:58PM
Lalalalalalala- in the sun with her dress undone..... Good Bye Thunder Island. (Relax ladies it's just a lyric from a old 70's song.)
Royce 06/02/2013 01:08PM
Thunder Point?

Canoodler 06/02/2013 12:32PM
I was told that there was a neat hill to climb on Knife Lake that gave a great view. True? If so, where is this hill and is there a somewhat definable trail to follow? Could you use a McKenzie map to pinpoint it? Thanks folks!