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 Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
    Trip Planning Forum
       Entry Point #16 or #11? What say you?
Date/Time: 09/27/2024 05:14PM
Entry Point #16 or #11? What say you?

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AJ2008 01/19/2017 08:37AM
quote CityFisher74: "Thanks for bringing this up. Heading up to fish stake narrows via gebonequat and saw ep11 on my new McKenzie map. We will most certainly be canoeing so great to know that ep16 is the way to go!"

Or you could stay on Oyster and hit the lakers! That time of year they will be hungry.
CityFisher74 01/17/2017 11:23PM
Thanks for bringing this up. Heading up to fish stake narrows via gebonequat and saw ep11 on my new McKenzie map. We will most certainly be canoeing so great to know that ep16 is the way to go!
cyclones30 11/08/2016 09:22PM
Yup, go for 16. Pretty easy way to get to your destination and nice stream.
egknuti 11/07/2016 02:45PM
#16 or #14 will get you to Oyster. Meander Creek is not an option unless you're up for major bushwhacking. The Blandin Trail is a winter ski trail. The trail takes you to the portage between Lamb Lake and Nina Moose. Not suitable for summer travel.
Water levels will be up in May and should make the Moose River easy to travel. Oyster Creek should be navigable as well.
old_salt 11/07/2016 08:06AM
If the name, meander, doesn't give you a clue, I know from personal experience that you will go nowhere from that entry. You definitely need 16. Thin blue lines on a map don't always indicate navigable streams.
barracuda 11/07/2016 07:05AM
Entry 11 is a hiking only entry point, so not an option for you.

Entry # 16 is a good trip, Oyster is a popular lake, sometimes you need to get on the lake early to get a nice site. Ge-be-on-e-quet is a nice lake to spend a few days on. Rocky and green are little lakes, but there is a picto on rocky lake, Pocket is an OK lake, but I like the campsites on Finger better and if I am staying a couple nights, is worth the extra distance.
boonie 11/07/2016 07:04AM
You will want to get a #16 permit. I never heard of #11, but it is listed as an overnight hiking entry at
roling 11/06/2016 08:31PM
Hello Everyone:

I am looking for thoughts en route to Oyster Lake for my group's first night next May.

My first question is, "What's up with EP #11?" Is it even an entry point to the BWCA? On the #12 McKenzie map, it shoes *#11 Balandig Trail. Can I access Meander Creek from here?

My group will be going out May 23, 2017 for a week. We'll be in 3 tandem canoes, all men in late 30s or early 40s, capable, and experienced in the BWCA.

Please let me know what you know/think about the following.

1. How is Meander Creek in terms of paddling in late May? Is it wide enough that we'll be able to paddle most of it? (EP #11)

2. How is paddling up Moose River? (EP #16)

3. If you have done both, which one was more enjoyable?

4. From Oyster Lake, we plan to head through Rockey, Green, Ge-be-on-e-quet, to Pocket Lake. Any thoughts?

Thank you so much for your feedback!