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       Positive reinforcement
Date/Time: 09/27/2024 06:41PM
Positive reinforcement

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chessie 01/27/2017 03:49PM
CampNgirl -- I thought that rock peer on SE end Fourtown was related to logging activity, did not know about resort. Do you have more info on the area/history ... or can you direct me where to get more info. There are many artifacts 'inland' from that peer, and this includes an old RR bed; I'd love to know more about these historical uses of the area, makes for fun snooping. Appreciate your input. The photo of old truck in my post is from there, as I imagine you know. Would be really interested in logging camp locations, too! Thanks!
HighnDry 01/27/2017 12:50PM
quote campNgirl: "Oh and I forgot, day trip to Lower Basswood Falls, Pictographs and Ranger Cabin. Those are fun day trips."

+1 for LBF and the pictos. I was there this past fall for the first time. They were quite impressive. I still need to make it to the ranger cabin site though.
campNgirl 01/27/2017 09:35AM
Oh and I forgot, day trip to Lower Basswood Falls, Pictographs and Ranger Cabin. Those are fun day trips.
campNgirl 01/27/2017 09:31AM
Some great sites on Horse. There are 2 wonderful sites right by where you head to the Horse River and then the island site. Only downside to the island is that if you get a nice wind coming across Horse it's tough to get out. On the north end of Horse you will see an unusual lack of growth. Go check it out, it's the remains of a logging camp. If you wonder you'll find an old stove and will be able to make out the foundation of the buildings. Heading to Horse from Mudro the shortest portage is the hardest, don't be discouraged. Once on Fourtown there are some great campsites. As you are heading south back towards Mudro on the SE side there are the remains of an old resort. You'll notice some rock piers, head that way. Once you are close to shore you will even see the sunken boat slips. You can spend an entire day here exploring. Wear good shoes as there is broken glass. You have chosen a great trip.
chessie 01/22/2017 11:39AM
One of my favorite areas. Fourtown is loaded with artifacts from logging era, especially on East side, early (Southern end) campsites in and near the bay.
if high water, day tripping up to Moosecamp is also interesting, an addition to the previous recommendations re: Horse River. Wonderful area, great choice!
A cautionary note: I've been blown off Fourtown a few times, watch the wind. With all the bays, there really is no 'protected' shore :)
Blatz 01/18/2017 09:30PM
My first BWCA trip was there. Stayed at site 1116 at the mouth of the horse river. That was 1984. Caught lots of fish, very beautiful lake. Head up the Horse river for some grins
HighnDry 01/18/2017 05:05PM
The western shoreline of Horse and about halfway up the shoreline has a small burned-over island. Next to it is a deep hole that might be productive. A quarter of a mile or less up that shoreline is also an underwater ledge. Check out your maps to find it. It could provide some interesting fishing expeditions. The campsite on the eastern shoreline just north of the Horse River inlet is wonderful. Lots of tall pines. Good bear-rope trees. Latrine is close but not too close :) and plenty of space to pitch a couple of tents and a tarp. Nice spot. Just sayin'.
paddlinjoe 01/18/2017 04:02PM
A day trip down the Horse River to Crooked Lake to explore Wheelbarrow Falls and Lower Basswood Falls would provide good scenery and maybe some fishing. I'd also agree you picked a beautiful area to take a trip.
RiverRatz 01/17/2017 12:05PM
Sounds great, Can't wait to get out there!
schweady 01/16/2017 03:41PM
quote BobDobbs: "be sure to get the correct permit for mudro - there are 2 'permit' EP numbers, but they are the same physical location. One of the numbers precludes camping on horse lake (no other restrictions that I'm aware of).

Great location - if you decide to try fairy lake the western campsite is phenomenal."

#22 does not allow camping on Horse Lake
#23 has no camp location restrictions

Groups with no plan to camp on Horse should get a #22, leaving the #23 permits for others. Very popular... some dates fully booked on the first day that reservations are open.
BobDobbs 01/16/2017 01:14PM
be sure to get the correct permit for mudro - there are 2 'permit' EP numbers, but they are the same physical location. One of the numbers precludes camping on horse lake (no other restrictions that I'm aware of).

Great location - if you decide to try fairy lake the western campsite is phenomenal.
cgchase 01/14/2017 06:08PM
I haven't been that many places in the BW but I have been to both of those lakes - they are beautiful. I think Horse is one of the prettiest lakes we saw on our entire trip..we didn't camp on it but I would've liked to.

One thing I'll mention is the Horse River. We went in Spring so your mileage may vary - but the fishing in the Horse river was a blast. We didn't catch any monsters but we caught a ton of smallies..some quite chunky. It was great fun target casting, pulling fish out of tight spots, etc.

If I were in the vicinity again I'd have to go up Horse a bit and try the fishing...even if the water was too low to use it as a way to get to Basswood.

Another fun sidetrip, if you want, is to duck out of Sand Pit into what I think is the Range River...quick route to Jackfish bay. A quick look at a map should point it out to you. If I had the time, I'd be tempted to make a day trip into Jackfish. Again - we went in spring but we did well fishing there - lots of pike and bass but we also got a few walleye here and there. The short trip to Jackfish was cool, times it felt like we were in the middle of nowhere...instead of right smack inbetween 2 of the most popular destinations in the BW.
Grandma L 01/14/2017 04:20PM
Great area and perfect time of year.
RiverRatz 01/14/2017 05:48AM
Hi, Getting my first trip together for mid-September this year and would like to hear your opinions and suggestion on my route. There will be two of us (GF & me). Pushing 60. Decent shape with some limitations, experienced paddlers and canoe campers.

We are going to put in at Mudro and loop over to Fourtown and back out. Spending two nights on Horse and Fourtown. If anyone wants to chime in with things to do, places to see, fish to catch etc, etc... Feel free to chime in. I do appreciate all the knowledge floating around out there.. SYOTR